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Business Models

Business analysis, through the efforts of a number of international organizations, has become a rigorous and regulated discipline. The Business Analyst is expected to discover, analyze and synthesize large volumes of information and be able to present it clearly and meaningfully to heterogeneous audiences. The Business Analyst typically creates models of requirements, policies, business rules, business processes and information. All of these concepts can be created easily in a single repository and integrated, allowing the analyst to spend their time on analysis instead of copying content between tools. At any stage during the analysis, high quality documentation tailored to a specific audience and spanning all the content can be created in a wide range of formats.

Business Model Diagram Types

Diagram Type



Create, model and manage requirements directly in line with your other project tasks. Trace from high level requirements to deployment artifacts.

Use Cases

Describe the functional requirements of the system, the manner in which outside things (Actors) interact at the system boundary, and the response of the system.


Capture the behavior and the information flows within an organization or system.

Decision Models

Define decisions with models and tables using the decision trees or decision tables.

Mind Mapping

Capture high level ideas and concepts and trace them with down stream actions.

Business Rules

Identify and store business rules within your model while integrating them with downstream processes.


Generate Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) from processes described using BPMN.


A process engineering meta-model as well as conceptual framework, which provides the necessary concepts for modeling, documenting, presenting, managing, interchanging and enacting development methods and processes.


Define your business capability with ArchiMate, an open-standard Enterprise Architecture language.

Eriksson-Penker Extensions

A framework for UML business processing model extensions.

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