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Manage DBMS Options

Using the 'Manage DBMS Options' dialog, you can quickly change the DBMS Type and/or Owner of an individual database object or several objects within an individual Package or Package hierarchy. You can also create bulk Foreign Key Indexes on all Foreign Keys that do not already have an index.


Context Menu

Project Browser | Right-click on Package | Code Engineering | Manage DBMS Options




See also


Displays the name of the Package in the Project Browser that you are currently working on. If necessary, click on the button and select a different Package using the Navigator window (a version of the 'Find Package' dialog).

Include Objects in Child Packages

Select this checkbox to include all the database objects in all sub-Packages. Selecting or deselecting this control will immediately refresh the list of objects.

List of Objects

This list control will display the names of all objects in the current Package (or Package hierarchy) along with its allocated DBMS and owner. By default every object has its checkbox selected whenever the list is loaded or refreshed.


Click on this button to select all deselected checkboxes in the 'List of Objects'.


Click on this button to deselect all selected checkboxes in the 'List of Objects'.

Change DBMS

Select this checkbox if you want to change the assigned DBMS of objects in the Package. Provide values for the 'Current DBMS' and 'New DBMS' fields in order to continue. The 'Current DBMS' drop-down list includes the option '<All>', which changes several different DBMS values all to the new value.

Note: When performing this function, the data types of all Table columns are automatically converted to the closest match for the selected DBMS; therefore, you should perform a manual review of the data types after running the process.

Change Owner

Select this checkbox if you want to change the Owner of the selected objects in the 'List of Objects'. Specify the current Owner in the 'Current Owner' field in order to continue. Leaving the 'New Owner' field blank will remove the Owner property of all selected objects.

Create Indexes on Foreign Keys

Select this checkbox to create an index on all Foreign Keys in the Package, where one does not already exist.

DDL Name Templates


Click on this button to start the update process. The button is disabled unless at least one object in the list and one of the update options are selected.

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