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Update to the Latest Revision of All Packages

When you are part of a team working in a Distributed Model environment, you will want to periodically update your model with the changes that other team members have committed into version control. You can transfer the other users' updates to all version controlled Packages into the currently loaded project.


Context Menu

Right-click on Package > Package Control > Get All Latest

Update all Packages in project to latest revision retrieved from version control

All the local XMI files for all the version control configurations used in the project are updated to the latest revision from version control. The system then scans the Packages in the model, to determine which ones are up to date and which are not, compared to the latest revisions of the associated Package files.

A prompt displays, providing these import options for Packages that are up to date:

  • Import changed files only
  • Always import
  • Prompt for each file

Click on the OK button. The version controlled Packages in your project are updated according to the option you selected; if you chose the 'Prompt for each file' option, a prompt displays to confirm import of each file.


  • There is no need to re-import Packages that are already up to date - re-importing Packages first deletes them from the project and then re-imports them from the XMI file, which is time consuming as well as unnecessary; we strongly recommend using the default option 'Import changed files only'
  • The 'Get All Latest' command does not update any Package that is checked-out (to anybody) in the currently loaded project; otherwise, any changes not yet committed to version control would be discarded
  • When using a Shared Model environment, where all users are connected to a single model database, the information in the model database is always the same as, or ahead of, what is committed into version control; in this situation, the Get All Latest command will simply refresh your view of the model database, by reloading diagrams or reloading Package content in the Project Browser

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