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Add New Diagrams

Enterprise Architect provides a number of ways in which to create a new UML diagram, Extended diagram or MDG Technology diagram in your model. The principal method is to select the Package or element under which to create the diagram and select a menu option to add it, as explained here.

Add a new diagram to the model



See also


In the Project Browser, click on the Package or element under which to place the diagram.



  • In the Project Browser header bar, click on the labeled button and select the 'New Diagram' option, or
  • Right-click on the object to open the context menu and select the 'Add Diagram' (Package) or 'Add | Add Diagram' (element) option, or
  • Press the Insert key and select the 'Add Diagram' menu option

The 'New Diagram' dialog displays.


The 'Package' field defaults to the name of the selected Package in the Project Browser. If necessary, click on the button and select a different Package to create the diagram under.

(The button is disabled when you are creating a diagram under an element, and the 'Parent' field shows the name of the element under which you are creating the diagram.)


The 'Diagram' field defaults to the name of the selected Package or element; if necessary, type a different name for the new diagram.


In the 'Select From' panel, click on the appropriate technology or category for the diagram.

The 'Diagram Types' panel displays a list of the diagram types for the selected category.

UML Diagrams


In the 'Diagram Types' panel, click on the type of diagram to create.


Click on the OK button to create your new diagram.

Enterprise Architect checks whether there is a template diagram for this diagram type in the Templates Package and, if so, applies the display characteristics defined in that template.

Set Element Templates Package


  • In the Corporate, Business and Software Engineering, Systems Engineering and Ultimate editions of Enterprise Architect, if security is enabled you must have 'Manage Diagrams' permission to create new diagrams
  • The diagram type determines the default Toolbox associated with the diagram and whether it can be moved as a child of another element in the Project Browser (for example, a Sequence diagram under a Use Case)

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