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Move or Copy Maintenance Items

After you define a maintenance item of one type (Defect, Change, Issue, Event, Decision or Task), you might decide that the item either is better suited to another type or forms a good template for items of other types. If so, you can either move or copy the item to the other types.


Display the appropriate Maintenance window using one of the methods outlined here.

In the Maintenance window:

  • Right-click on a maintenance item > Move to > <item type> or
  • Right-click on a maintenance item > Copy to > <item type>


Construct > Change Management > Changes > Show Changes Window

Construct > Change Management > Defects > Show Defects Window

Construct > Change Management > Issues > Show Issues Window

Construct > Change Management > Tasks > Show Tasks Window

Construct > Change Management > Events > Show Events Window

Construct > Change Management > Decisions > Show Decisions Window

Move or copy a maintenance item



See also


Click on the appropriate option - 'Move to' or 'Copy to'.

A list of maintenance item types displays.


Click on the item type to which to move or copy the item.

A confirmatory prompt displays.


Click on the Yes button to confirm the move or copy.


Switch to the appropriate type version of the Maintenance window to ensure that the item has been added, and make any necessary changes.

Working on Maintenance Items


If you are copying the item to more than one other item type, repeat steps 1 to 4 for the next item type to copy to.

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