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Deployment Diagram

Getting to know the Deployment Diagram



Introducing the Deployment Diagram

The Deployment Diagram is one of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) Structural diagrams that can be used to model infrastructure including a wide range of deployment environments. Both physical and virtual environments can be modeled including infrastructure and networking services and protocols.

Where to find the Deployment Diagram

Ribbon: Design > Diagram > New > UML Structural > Deployment

Project Browser Caption Bar Menu: New Diagram | UML Structural | Deployment

Project Browser Context Menu: Add Diagram... | UML Structural | Deployment

Usage of the Deployment Diagram

The Deployment Diagram can be used to model a wide range of infrastructure and networking environments including physical and virtual environments. It is quite common to model a number of different environments including: production, pre-production, test and development environments. The diagram can be used to model Servers, Devices, Networks, Execution Environments. Switches, Routers, IP Addresses and the Software Components and Artifacts deployed.

Options for the Deployment Diagram

It is quite common to use the Deployment Diagram to model a number of different environments, including production, pre-production, test and development environments. Alternate images can be used in diagrams to represent infrastructure and networking devices such as Networks, Servers, Routers, Switches and more, making the diagrams more compelling and appealing to their audience. The diagrams can be included in documentation generated automatically using the Document Generator.

There is a toolbox which contains a range of elements, relationships and Patterns for creating Deployment diagrams.

The Deployment Diagram (like any diagram) can be viewed as an element list, which makes working with the element's properties easier.

Diagram Filters can also be used when presenting the diagrams to draw attention to parts of the diagrams and the diagrams can be presented as hand drawn or in a whiteboard style by changing the properties of the diagram.

Learn more about the Deployment Diagram

Deployment Diagram