Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

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What You Can Do

Enterprise Architect is a rich and diverse modeling environment. At the highest level it uses a wide range of tools to help manage, understand, visualize, explore, trace and work with complex systems.

  • General analysis, design, construction, visualization, testing, simulation and management of many domains
  • Software construction, analysis, management, testing, coding, debugging and visualizing
  • Business analysis, process definition, requirements management, process simulation, traceability
  • Systems analysis, design, simulation, engineering and verification

Activities supported by Enterprise Architect



See also

Modeling, Analysis and Design, Requirements Engineering

To create models with Enterprise Architect, you should become familiar with:

  • The UML standards and
  • How you apply UML in Enterprise Architect to develop your models
  • UML extensions such as SysML, BPMN, DDS and others
  • Domain based modeling
  • Model Transformations and MDA
Model Transformation Requirement Models Standard UML Models Modeling Fundamentals Domain Based Models

Managing Models

To manage the models in your projects you:

  • Create and structure models
  • Work with elements within Packages and views
  • Create diagrams as visual representation of model elements
  • Import and export model information
  • Protect and manage the model data itself
  • Communicate information on the data in the form of online, printable and web-page documentation and reports, and
  • Manage change with baselines, XMI import and export and auditing
Reporting Projects and Teams Change Management Team Development

Code Engineering

In Enterprise Architect, UML modeling both depends on and supports code engineering - you generate and update code from a model, and you create and update models from code

In this broad sense, Enterprise Architect enables you to:

  • Forward engineer, reverse engineer, round-trip and synchronize code in a range of programming languages
  • Debug and profile code
  • Model and generate code for XML Technologies
  • Perform database modeling and design for a range of database management systems
  • Convert model components from one domain to another using Model Driven Architecture (MDA) Transformations
Overview Of Development

Model Simulation

Model Simulation brings your behavioral models to life with instant, real-time behavioral model execution. Coupled with tools to manage triggers, events, guards, effects, breakpoints and simulation variables, plus the ability to visually track execution at run-time, the Simulator is a powerful means of verifying the correctness of your behavioral models.

Model Simulation

Managing Projects

Enterprise Architect provides strong support for Project Management, particularly in these areas:

  • Project estimation - working out how much time and effort is required to build and deploy a solution, using the Use Case metrics facility and carefully-calibrated metrics
  • Defining, assigning and managing resources
  • Communicating Project Management discussions and decisions to the project
  • Monitoring and managing problems, changes, issues and tasks that affect both individual elements and the project as a whole
  • Managing the development, execution and results of testing, from Integration through to User Acceptance, and
  • Maintaining a Project Glossary of terms, procedures and policies applied to the project

The scope of your project management might include upgrades to Enterprise Architect and installation of related technologies

Testing Maintenance Projects and Teams License Management

Extending Enterprise Architect Facilities

Experienced technology developers can develop customized additions to the functionality already present within Enterprise Architect. These additions include:

  • UML Profiles and Stereotypes
  • Patterns
  • Code Templates
  • Tagged Value Types
  • MDG Technologies
  • Enterprise Architect Add-Ins
  • Scripts

By creating these extensions the Technology Developer can customize the Enterprise Architect modeling process to specific tasks and speed up development.

Extending UML Models Automation and Scripting