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Built-in Transformations
Enterprise Architect provides a rich set of built-in, commonly performed transformations. These will prove useful to a variety of disciplines from Domain Modeling to Code Engineering. The facility to transform models is a powerful productivity tool and it is expected that modelers will want to create their own custom transformations. The built-in transformations provide useful examples and are a valuable reference for the modeler.
Built-in Transformations
Transformation |
Converts |
See also |
C# |
Platform-Independent Model (PIM) elements to language-specific C# Class elements. |
C# Transformation |
C++ |
PIM elements to language-specific C++ Class elements. |
C++ Transformation |
Data Definition Language |
A logical model to a data model targeted at the default database type, ready for DDL generation. |
DDL Transformation |
Entity Relationship Diagram to Data Model |
An ERD logical model to a data model targeted at the default database type, ready for DDL generation. |
ERD To Data Model Transformation |
Data Model to Entity Relationship Diagram |
A data model to an ERD logical model. |
Data Model To ERD Transformation |
EJB Session Bean |
A single Class element to the elements of an EJB session. |
EJB Transformations |
EJB Entity Bean |
A single Class element to the elements of an EJB entity. |
Java |
PIM elements to language-specific Java Class elements. |
Java Transformation |
JUnit |
An existing Java Class element with public methods to a Class with a test method for each public method, plus the methods required to appropriately set up the tests. |
JUnit Transformation |
NUnit |
An existing .NET compatible Class with public methods to a Class with a test method for each public method, plus the methods required to appropriately set up the tests. |
NUnit Transformation |
PIM elements to language-specific PHP Class elements. |
PHP Transformation |
Sequence/Communication Diagram |
All elements and messages in an opened Sequence diagram into matching elements and messages in a Communication diagram, and vice versa. |
Sequence/Communication Diagram Transformations |
VB.Net |
PIM elements to language-specific VB.Net Class elements. |
VB.Net Transformation |
A simple model to an expanded model of a WSDL interface, suitable for generation. |
WSDL Transformation |
PIM elements to UML Profile for XML elements, as an intermediary step in creating an XML Schema. |
XSD Transformation |