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Edit Transitions In Value Lifeline
Add Transitions to the states on a Value Lifeline element, via the diagram
Step |
Action |
1 |
Move the cursor above the transition line. The cursor changes form ( |
2 |
Click the mouse button. The 'New Transition Event' dialog displays. |
3 |
In the 'Transition To' field, click on the drop-down arrow and select a state from the list of available states; this displays on the Lifeline element within the transition box. The remaining fields on the dialog are optional. |
4 |
In the 'Event' field, type the name of the event that the transition represents; this displays on the Lifeline element just below and at the start of the transition line. |
5 |
In the 'Duration Constraint' field, type any constraint on the duration of the transition; this displays on the Lifeline element, along the top of the element over the transition. |
6 |
In the 'Time Constraint' field, type any constraint on the start of the transition. This displays on the Lifeline element at the start of the transition, just after the Event name. |
7 |
Click on the to create the new transition. |
Edit a Transition
Step |
Action |
1 |
Click on the state name in the transition. Alternatively, right-click on the state name and select the 'Edit' option. The 'Edit Transition' dialog displays, which is the same as the 'New Transition Event' dialog, except that the 'At Time' field is enabled. |
2 |
If necessary, overtype the 'At Time' field to define a different start point. You cannot change the 'At Time' field for the first state in the timeline; this is always '0'. |
3 |
Edit the remaining fields as necessary. |
4 |
Click on the to save the changes. |
Change the transition time
Step |
Action |
1 |
To change the start or end time of a transition, click on the start or end point of the transition and drag it to the new position. While on the line, the cursor shape changes to the horizontal movement cursor ( |
Delete Transitions
Step |
Action |
1 |
To delete a transition, press and hold and click on the transition state name. While you hold Ctrl on the transition state name, the cursor changes form ( Alternatively, right-click on the state name and select the 'Delete' option. |