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Find Cell in StateMachine Diagram

Locate In State Chart

On the StateMachine table, to locate a selected State or Trigger element in a StateMachine diagram:

  • Select 'Find | Locate in State Chart'

Enterprise Architect switches to the StateMachine diagram and highlights the selected element.

You can locate a Transition relationship in a similar way, by selecting 'Locate in State Chart'.

A Trigger on a StateMachine table might or might not exist on the corresponding StateMachine diagram; if the Trigger does not exist on the StateMachine diagram, the 'Locate in State Chart' option is disabled.

Locate In State Table

On the StateMachine diagram, to locate a selected State or Trigger element in the corresponding StateMachine table:

  • Select 'Find | Locate in State Table'

Enterprise Architect switches to the StateMachine table and highlights the selected element.

You can locate a Transition relationship in a similar way, by selecting 'Locate in State Table'.