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Import EMX/UML2 Files

In Rational Software Architect (RSA) you can add many UML models under a single root. These models can have cross references between them. However, RSA cannot save the entire root as one file - it saves each UML model as a separate EMX file. This means that an EMX file with cross-references is not self-contained as it references elements in another EMX file.

In releases earlier than release 7.0, Enterprise Architect treats each EMX file as a separate model and hence does not allow for cross-references between them. From release 7.0, Enterprise Architect enables these cross-references.

You therefore have the options of:

  • Importing a single EMX/UML2 file or
  • Importing a group of related EMX/UML2 files together, thereby retaining the cross-references between the different files


Select your target Package in the Project Browser, then use one of the methods outlined here to open the 'Import Model from XMI' dialog.

On the 'Import Model from XMI' dialog, click on the Other XML File Formats button, then choose the option 'EMX/UML2'.


Publish > Model Exchange > Import XMI > Import Model XMI : Other XML File Formats > EMX/UML2

Context Menu

Right-click on Package > Import/Export > Import Package From XMI : Other XML File Formats > EMX/UML2

Keyboard Shortcuts

Ctrl+Alt+I : Other XML File Formats > EMX/UML2

Import Files



See also


Displays the name of the currently-selected Package.

If this is not the required Package, click on the button and select the correct Package.


Click on the button.

The 'Select Import EMX/UML2 File(s)' dialog displays, from which you can select multiple files.

Select the file or files (use Ctrl+click or Shift+click to select several files) and click on the Open button to return to the 'Import Package from EMX/UML2' dialog.

Selected Files

Lists the selected *.emx/*uml2 files.

Write Log File

Select this checkbox to write a log of the import activity (recommended).

The log file is saved in the directory from which the files are being imported, with the name import.log.


Click on this button to import the *.emx/*uml2 files.


Click on this button to abort the import and close the dialog.


Click on this button to display this Help topic.

Import Progress

Monitor the progress of the import.

Learn more