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The Resources window is a repository of project-standard and re-usable document generation templates, MDG Technologies, Relationship Matrix profiles, commonly-used model elements, stylesheets, UML Profiles and Patterns. The window provides facilities for creating and modifying these structures and facilities and, in some cases, for applying the facility to the current model directly from the window.



Start > Explore > Resources

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Resources available through the Resources window


  • In the Corporate, Business and Software Engineering, Systems Engineering and Ultimate editions of Enterprise Architect, if security is enabled you must have 'Configure Resources' permission to maintain Resources window items
  • For a number of folders in the Resources window, the right-click context menu also offers a 'Help' option that, when you select it, displays a brief description of the folder



See also

Document Generation

The Document Generation folder holds a number of sub-folders, each of which provides the facilities for generating a particular type of document or report from your model.

  • System Templates - this sub-folder itself has sub-folders containing system-defined report templates, Fragments, Cover Pages, Style Sheets and Table of Contents definitions
    You can right-click on these template names and select options to display the template contents or to copy the template as the basis of a user-defined template that you work on in the Document Template Editor, under a different name; you can also select the 'Override' option to create a copy of the system template as a user template with the same name
  • User Templates - this sub-folder also has sub-folders for report templates, Fragments, Cover Pages, Style Sheets and Tables of Contents, but these are the templates that you have created yourself using the Document Template Editor, either as new or by copying and editing another template
    You can right-click on these template names and select options to create, delete, rename, modify, move or copy a user-defined template; you have additional options to mark a report template as a Fragment, or a Fragment as a report template, if they are suitable for this reclassification
    You can also 'drag and drop' user-defined templates between user-defined groups, and between these groups and the appropriate standard 'type' folders; for example, from DavidCover to Cover Pages
  • Technology Templates -  If you have loaded an MDG Technology containing document templates, those are also listed under the Technology name
  • Web Style Templates - this sub-folder contains the HTML style templates that you have created as alternatives to the system-supplied <default> template
    To create a new template, right-click on the folder name and select the 'Create HTML template' option, and provide a template name; this opens the HTML and CSS Style Editor, in which you create the template from HTML fragments
    You can right-click on the template names and select options to delete the template or modify the template contents
  • Defined Documents -  this folder holds the Resource documents (report  specifications) you have created in the Document Report Generator; you can right-click on the document name to generate documents individually or as a batch, open the generated document, or delete the report specification
  • Linked Document Templates - this folder holds the non-standard Linked Document templates, either user-defined or supplied with each MDG Technology enabled on the system; you can edit or delete any of these existing templates, or create new ones from scratch or by copying an existing template, including the system-provided linked document templates
    You can also re-assign the templates to different template groups, either another of the existing groups or a new one that you create as part of the assignment
  • Legacy Templates - if you are, or have been, using the original (legacy)  Enterprise Architect report generator, this sub-folder contains the report templates that you use to generate the documents
    You can continue to create, modify, use and delete legacy style templates, but it is recommended that you switch to the later report generator
Linked Documents Document Templates The Legacy Report Generator Template Fragments Create Linked Document Templates Design Custom Document Templates Create Web Style Templates Resource Documents Legacy Report Style Templates

MDG Technologies

The MDG Technologies folder lists the MDG Technologies that have been imported directly into the Resources window. Each technology extends the modeling capabilities and facilities of Enterprise Architect.

You can import Technologies into your project by right-clicking on the MDG Technologies folder and selecting the 'Import Technology' menu option. The 'Copy Technology to Application Data' dialog then gives you the option to import the Technology to:

  • 'User', for your individual use; the Technology is imported into the %APPDATA% folder and is not listed in the Resources window
  • 'Model', for all project users to access; the Technology is imported into the Resources window

If you have any MDG Technologies in the folder, each has its own subfolder containing the Profiles, Patterns and code modules used in the technology. You can right-click on these and select options to delete the technology, review the Patterns or Profiles, or invoke the code modules.

If you remove the technology, it is removed from the Resources window, the 'MDG Technologies' dialog, and the model.

Consider the fact that some MDG Technologies can be large and might impose some delays on the workstation as they load each time a user connects to the model.

MDG Technologies Import MDG Technologies to Model Manage MDG Technologies

Matrix Profiles

The Matrix Profiles folder contains a list of Relationship Matrix Profiles that you or your team members have created using the Relationship Matrix or Specification Manager. You simply double-click on a Matrix Profile name to quickly open the Relationship Matrix under the settings defined in the Profile.

Create Matrix Profile Matrix Profiles


The Favorites folder provides a shortcut to each commonly-used element that you have added to the folder, so that you can quickly and easily locate the elements and add them to diagrams.



The Stylesheets folder contains XSL stylesheets that you or your team members have imported into the model. These XSL stylesheets support the optional step of converting XMI files exported from the model into alternative formats such as HTML, XSL or source code. Stylesheets imported here are then available in the drop-down lists on the 'XML Export' dialog and the 'Generate GML Application Schema' dialog.

Combined with UML Profiles, this is a powerful means of extending Enterprise Architect to generate almost any content required.

To import a stylesheet:

  1. Right-click on the folder name and select the 'Import Stylesheet' option.
  2. Locate and select the stylesheet file in the browser, and click on the Open button.
  3. Provide a reference name for the file, and click on the OK button.

Once the stylesheet is in the folder, you can select context menu options to reload it (if it has been changed at the source) or delete it.

Generate GML Application Schema Publish Model Package

UML Profiles

A Profile is a source of modified or extended element and connector types that you have developed from the UML base types. You can import each new Profile into this folder, and then create elements and connectors of the new types by dragging the icons from the Profile onto a diagram.

Once you have Profiles in the folder, you can select options for arranging them in order of name or type, viewing a Profile description, or deleting a Profile.

It is possible to synchronize the Tagged Values and constraints for any elements created from a Profile element in the Resources window.

Importing and applying Profiles through the Resources window is no longer recommended; from Enterprise Architect release 7.0. it is recommended that you load and apply Profiles as components of MDG Technologies.

Synchronize Tagged Values and Constraints UML Profiles in the Resources Window Import UML Profiles Into the Resources Window Developing Profiles


The Patterns folder is a folder of Design Patterns that you or your team members have imported into the model. A Pattern captures complex new elements and features that you can drag into a diagram without having to retype or reconfigure each element.

Within the folder, the Patterns are grouped by type. Once you have Patterns within a group, you can select options to delete a selected Pattern or all Patterns in the group, view a Pattern's details, or apply a Pattern to an empty diagram.

Design Patterns Use a Pattern Create a Pattern Import a Pattern

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