Team Review
If the project team members require a forum in which to discuss the development and progress of the project, they can make use of the facilities of the Enterprise Architect Team Review.
Construct > Project > Team Review
A point of discussion and the responses (Comments) to that point are created as Documents. Documents are held in Topic groups, which are in turn organized into Categories; your organization decides on the grouping and organization of Documents.
You can create text to explain Categories and Topics, and you can create and respond to Documents and Comments on Documents.
Add a New Topic
Add a New Document
Add a New Category
The Team Review has two main displays:
- The Team Review window is used to create new Categories and Topics and to delete messages; you operate on it by selecting options from the context menu
Each item in the hierarchy displays a mouse-over tool-tip, showing the item title, the author's name and the date and time the item was created
- The 'Team Review' tab, in the main work area, is used to create, view, edit, print, and comment on Documents, and to create and maintain the descriptions of Topics and Categories
This tab has a status bar that shows the item author's name, the date and time the item was created, and the date and time the item was last modified
Work on Team Review Items
Comment on a Document
Within the Team Review you can:
- Select to display and edit an item in the 'Team Review' tab, by clicking on the item name in the Team Review window
- Search for text strings in the item titles to locate Documents on a specific subject, using the 'Search' icon in the toolbar of the Team Review window
- Add resources to a Category, Topic or Document, such as diagram images and XMI files of Packages; these are held in a Resources folder under the selected Team Review item
- Link model elements, diagrams, external files and other Documents to a Document
- Link to a Team Review Document from the linked document on an element
- Change the loading behavior of the Team Review
- Access Team Reviews from other projects, including those on other servers
Hyperlink From Linked Document
Search Team Review
Edit an Item
Team Review Resources
Team Review Connections
Team Review Options
Add Object Links
The Team Review acts as a repository for the review documents generated in the Specification Manager. These documents are automatically stored in Topics within the Formal Reviews Category, but you can redirect documents to a different Topic from either:
- The Specification Manager, using the 'Bind Package to Team Review Folder' option, or
- The Team Review, using the 'Bind to Project Browser Package' option
Work on Team Review Items
Specification Manager
Create Review Document
Each item in the Team Review window has an icon that indicates the nature or status of the item. The meaning of each of these icons is explained here:
- Document (name in bold indicates Document is unread)
- Comment (name in bold indicates that Comment is unread)
- Protected by password (also on Category and Topic icons); a blue icon indicates that a user with the password has opened the item, and a red icon indicates that the item is locked
- Status Awaiting Approval (also on Category and Topic icons)
- Status Approved (also on Category and Topic icons)
- Status Rejected (also on Category and Topic icons)
- Category (name in bold indicates Category is unread)
- Topic (name in bold indicates Topic is unread)
- Resources folder for a Category, Topic or Document
- Linked objects folder for a Category, Topic or Document
- Diagram or clipboard image within the Resources folder
- XMI file of a Package, within the Resources folder
Work on Team Review Items
Add Object Links
- You can transport your Team Review set-up between projects, using the 'Configure > Model > Transfer > Export Reference Data' and 'Import Reference Data' ribbon options
Learn more