Diagram Portal
The Diagram Portal provides links to the facilities for defining the appearance of objects on a diagram, and the way in which the diagram itself displays. Many of the facilities are initially grayed out but become active when the object is in the appropriate context and/or is selected.
Show > Window > Show Portals Bar: Diagram
Start Page: :
These options help you to define how the selected element on the diagram is displayed.
- Default Appearance - displays the 'Default Appearance' dialog, on which you can define a background color, line color, line width, font and font color for the selected element
- Set Font - displays the 'Font' dialog, on which you can define the font, size, color and style of the text of the selected element
- Alternate Image - displays the Image Manager window, from which you can select an image to replace the element's normal UML rendition
- Apply Image from Clipboard - displays the Image Manager window, through which you apply an image previously copied to the clipboard as the appearance of the element
- Autosize - adjusts the selected element to the default size for that element type
Autosize Elements
Set Element Font
Using the Image Manager
Set an Element's Default Appearance
These options help you to change the type of the element and to mark it for reference by others.
- Change Type - displays the 'Select Element Type' dialog, in which you select the element type to change to
- Bookmark - marks the element on the diagram with a red triangle, to indicate that it has a significance that you might explain in, for example, the element notes
- Clear All Bookmarks - clear all the bookmark symbols from the diagram
- Custom References - displays the 'Custom References' dialog, on which you review the references from this element to other elements or diagrams
Set Up Cross References
Change Element Type
These options help you to add and display attributes, operations and other features of the selected element on the diagram.
- Add Attribute - creates a new attribute in the selected element on the diagram, in inline editing mode for you to complete the definition
- Add Operation - creates a new operation in the selected element on the diagram, in inline editing mode for you to complete the definition
- Add Other - displays the 'Insert Feature' dialog, through which you define a Testing or Maintenance feature on the selected element in the diagram
- Create Linked Note - when a feature is highlighted in an element on the diagram, this option becomes available to create a linked Note on the feature, displaying the name and value of the feature
- Feature Visibility - displays the 'Feature Visibility' dialog, on which you define how features and compartments are displayed on the selected element
- View Properties - when an element or a feature is selected, this option displays the appropriate 'Properties' dialog
Link Note to Internal Documentation
Insert New Feature
Feature Visibility
Define Properties of Operations
Insert Testing Features
Create and Manage Attributes
Insert Maintenance Feature
These options help you to protect the contents of the diagram, and to change the sequence in which elements overlap in the diagram.
- Lock - locks the current diagram against change (a padlock icon displays in the diagram header, and selected elements display with a red hashed border); select the option again to unlock the diagram
- Modify Element Z Order - displays the 'Modify Z Order' dialog, through which you can change the Z-order number of the elements on the diagram
These options change the format of the diagram display.
- List - displays the diagram contents as a list of elements
- Gantt - displays the diagram contents as a Gantt Chart
- Default - displays a List or Gantt Chart as a graphical layout
The Project Gantt View
Diagram List
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