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Working With Recording History

You can perform a number of operations on or from the results of a recording session, using the Record & Analyze window context menu.




See also

Show Source for Caller

Display the source code, in the Source Code Viewer, for the method calling the sequence.

Editing Source Code

Show Source for Callee

Display the source code, in the Source Code Viewer, for the method being called by the sequence.

Generate Diagram for Selected Sequence

Generate a Sequence diagram for a single sequence selected in the recording history.

Generating Sequence Diagrams

Generate Sequence Diagram

Generate a Sequence diagram including all sequences in the recording history.


Clear the recording history currently displayed in the Record & Analyze window.

The Recording History

Save Recording History to File

Save the recording history to an XML file.

A browser window displays, on which you specify the file path and name for the XML file.

Load Recording History From File

Load a previously saved recording history from an XML file.

A browser window displays, on which you specify the file path and name for the XML file to load.

Disable All Calls

Disable every call listed in the Record & Analyze window.

Disable This Call

Disable the selected call.

Disable This Method

Disable the selected method.

Disable This Class

Disable the selected Class.

Disable All Calls Outside This Call

Disable every call listed in the Record & Analyze window except for the selected call.

Enable All Calls

Enable every call listed in the Record & Analyze window.

Enable This Call

Enable the selected call.

Enable This Method

Enable the selected method.

Enable This Class

Enable the selected Class.


Display the Help topic for the Record & Analyze window.

The Recording History