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Requirement Properties

Getting to Know the Requirement Properties



Introducing Requirement Properties

Requirement Properties are used to define metadata about the requirement that is useful for the management of requirements for the purpose of prioritization and defining work Packages for the implementation teams. All Enterprise Architect elements have standard properties such as Status, Author and Phase but the Requirement element has additional properties such as Difficulty and Priority. User defined properties can also be defined using Tagged Values.

The properties sheet for a Requirement element in the Element Properties docked window in Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.

Where to find Requirement Properties

Ribbon:  Design > Element > Properties > Properties

Element Context Menu:  Properties... | Properties...


Project Browser Context Menu:  Properties | Properties...

Usage of the Requirement Properties

To define the important meta information about a requirement, for the purposes of providing data to manage the requirements for prioritization, understanding which are the difficult requirements, and managing the lifecycle by using Status to determine requirements for implementation Packages.

Options for Requirement Properties

Enterprise Architect has a wide range of built in properties for all elements but it has a number of additional properties for requirements. If there are other properties that are needed by a modeler or team such as the volatility (stability) of a requirement these can be added using the general purpose UML extension mechanism of Tagged Values.

Showing a tagged value on a Requirement element.

Learn more about Requirement Properties

Properties Dialog