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Import Source Code

You can import source code into your Enterprise Architect model, to reverse-engineer a module. As the import proceeds, Enterprise Architect provides progress information. When all files are imported, Enterprise Architect makes a second pass to resolve associations and inheritance relationships between the imported Classes.

Procedure - Import source code



See also


In the Project Browser, select (or add) a diagram into which to import the Classes.


Click on the diagram background and  either:

  • Select the 'Code > Import > File' ribbon option and click on the appropriate language, or
  • If the Code Generation toolbar is displayed, click on the 'Import' drop-down arrow and select the language to import

The list of languages will include any customized languages you have created model structures for.


From the file browser that appears, locate and select one or more source code files to import.

Notes on Source Code Import


Click on the Open button to start the import process.