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Requirement Properties

Requirement properties differ slightly from the properties of other elements; they include information related to the Type, Status, Difficulty and Priority of the Requirement. The 'Notes' field is also important, as it describes precisely what requirement the element represents. Requirement naming can also require careful consideration and could reflect either a categorical naming convention, or simply a loose English description of the Requirement.


On a diagram or in the Browser window, select a Requirement element and:


Design > Element > Editors > Properties Dialog

Keyboard Shortcuts



Double-click on Requirement element




See also

<Short Description>

The name of this Requirement, which could include numbering, a plain English description or some other formal specification.

If you have set autonaming and autonumbering, and you have already have some text in this field, it is over-written by the auto-counter text.

Set Auto Naming and Auto Counters


Type in or browse for (click on the Browse. button) the name of any stereotype to be assigned to the Requirement.


The version of this Requirement.


The phase of this Requirement.


Click on the drop-down arrow and select the appropriate programming language, or the <none> option.


Click on the Browse. button and select the appropriate file location for the Requirement.


An estimate of the difficulty in meeting this Requirement; select from:

  • Low
  • Medium
  • High


The relative importance of meeting this Requirement compared to other Requirements; select from:

  • Low
  • Medium
  • High


The author of this Requirement.

Project Authors

Key Words

A set of words that could be used to index or define the subject of this Requirement.


The type of this Requirement, typically used as a category for the Requirement. Possible values are defined on the 'Requirements' tab of the 'General Properties' dialog.

This field displays a single value. You can click on the drop-down arrow and select a different value if necessary.

However, be aware that you can define multiple values for this field, including stereotypes that you create or that are used in integrated or imported MDG technologies. You assign these multiple values using the Properties window for the selected Requirement element, in the 'Stereotype' field.

This has two impacts on the 'Type' field:

  • The value displayed in the field might have been set on the Properties window, and might not be shown in the drop-down list (if it is a stereotype and not a General Type)
  • If you select a different value from the 'Type' drop-down list, you change only the first of the multiple values (the one displayed in the field); you do not change any of the other multiple values, which remain set
Requirement Types Properties Window


An alias to be used for this Requirement.

If you have set Alias autonaming and autonumbering, and you have already have some text in this field, it is over-written by the auto-counter text.

Set Auto Naming and Auto Counters


The current status of this Requirement.

Color Code External Requirements

Last Update

Read-only field specifying when this Requirement was last changed.


Read-only field specifying when this Requirement was first created.


The description of this Requirement.

Notes Linked Documents


  • In Requirement Management tools and texts, the characteristics of a requirement are commonly called attributes; however, in UML the term attribute refers to a different type of feature, and the Requirement characteristics are defined as properties - in this Enterprise Architect documentation, the term properties is used
  • In a project, it might be necessary to define more information in a Requirement than is provided by the standard properties; for more information on extending the Requirement properties, see the Extend Requirement Properties Help topic

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