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Enterprise Architect Editions

Enterprise Architect is available in a number of editions, each tailored to support a particular usage scenario. The editions range from a free 'Lite' Edition through to four purchased editions which start with the Professional edition and culminate in the Ultimate edition.

Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect editions.

An organization is not restricted to using a single edition and commonly a mixture of licenses will provide the most flexibility. When floating licenses are purchased, access to a higher edition can be achieved on an as-needs basis, thus providing all users with access to the additional functionality available in the higher level editions.

Principal Editions plus 'Trial' and 'Lite'



See also

Professional, Corporate, Unified and Ultimate Editions

These are the principal editions that are available for purchase. An organization or team can purchase any number of each product to suit their own circumstances.

Editions Available

Trial of all Editions (time limited)

The time limited Trial Version allows a user, team or organization to test the product before purchasing. An option is provided to launch the trial in any of the purchasable editions, allowing you to compare them.

The Trial Edition

The Lite Edition (read only - limited functionality)

The free read-only or 'Lite' edition allows interested parties within an organization or a team to view the full contents of a model. They are however unable to update the model or use features such as document generation, simulation, code generation etc.

The Read-only 'Lite' Edition