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Project Data Transfer

In normal system maintenance, it is likely that at some point you need to relocate data between storage systems. In any edition of Enterprise Architect, you might need to transfer all records from one project file to another (recommended after serious network crash or repeated database corruption). Project files can be either .eap (Access) files or .feap (Firebird) files, and you can transfer from one file type to the other.

In the Corporate, Unified and Ultimate Editions of Enterprise Architect, you might need to:

  • Transfer an existing project file to a DBMS repository such as SQL Server or MySQL
  • Transfer a DBMS repository to an existing project file
  • Move a repository from one DBMS to another (including moving between servers using the same DBMS)
  • Copy all records from a JET 3.5 to JET 4 (Access 2000 or XP) repository - or back the other way



Configure > Model > Transfer > Project Transfer

Perform a project data transfer



See also


Click on the radio button for the required transfer type:

  • File to File
  • DBMS to File
  • File to DBMS
  • DBMS to DBMS


In the 'Source Project' and 'Target Project' fields, type or select the name or connection string for the Source and Target projects.


If you want to capture the transfer in a log file, select the 'Logfile' checkbox and browse for the appropriate log file location.


Click on the Transfer button.


It is good practice to do a Project Compare after this process to verify that all records are written.

Compare Projects


  • Take a backup of the target project to ensure that you can recover any important information it already contains; in a transfer, all records in the target repository are overwritten
  • You cannot move a model from a source .eap file from an Enterprise Architect version earlier than 3.5.0
  • When performing a .eap file to DBMS transfer, if the .eap file has replication enabled, the replication must be removed before performing the transfer
  • When transferring a model to a DBMS, you cannot transfer the data into an empty database - the tables must already exist; if they do not, run the corresponding script supplied by Sparx Systems to create the required tables
  • When transferring a model into a project file, similarly, the target project file must already exist, to provide the data structures to transfer data into
  • In the Corporate, Unified and Ultimate Editions of Enterprise Architect, if security is enabled you must have 'Transfer Data' permission to transfer project data between repositories

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