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Introducing the Metamodel Views

Enterprise Architect includes an extremely powerful and flexible system of Views of both system-defined and user-defined metamodels. The Views system provides highly focused diagrams that limit the number of elements and connections available to only the core required to achieve a specific task. For example, a Hierarchy View imposed on a Class diagram might limit the only element available to 'Class' and the only connector to 'Inheritance'.

Using the Views system to guide the modeling palette and relationships available, you will build tight and purposeful diagrams that use only the required elements within the current modeling context. Cutting out the noise and reducing the set of constructs available is a great way of making sure a design is addressing the intended purpose and avoiding extraneous elements that might negatively impact the readability and correctness of the model.

Metamodel Views



See also


Enterprise Architect provides a wide range of built-in Metamodel Views that address numerous modeling scenarios and domains. Many of the Model Wizard patterns are pre-set with a Metamodel View, and the 'New Diagram' dialog includes many derivative diagram views that extend and refine the capabilities of the base diagram types.

Built-in Metamodel Diagram View


In addition to using the system-defined Metamodel based views in Enterprise Architect, it is also possible to create your own Metamodels and easily add them to the current model, where you and other modelers can then apply them to various diagrams as needed. For example, you might define a specific Metamodel set that addresses the needs of Requirements modeling in your organization, and then mandate that all Requirement diagrams use that Metamodel View.

Define Metamodel Constraints Custom Metamodel Diagram View

View System Facilities



See also

Diagram Filter

In addition to limiting the available palette, the View system also allows the modeler to enable a diagram filter that will gray out any elements that are not part of the current view set. This allows the modeler to correct any parts of their model that don't meet the purpose of the selected View, or to filter out elements that are required to be there, but do not form part of the current modeling goal.

General Tab

Diagram Properties

The 'Properties' dialog for a diagram includes a drop-down list of available Views for the currently selected diagram type. Selecting one of these Views will reduce the palette of constructs available and limit the entries in the Quick Linker. Modelers can easily activate a View or even remove one if necessary - the actual model content will not change.

General Tab

Diagram Views

The 'New Diagram' dialog includes a number of different Views that offer different palette sets and focus goals for diagram types such as UML, SysML, BPMN and UAF, amongst others. If you have the goal of modeling a simple Activity diagram with no advanced features, the Simple Activity View under the UML Activity diagram section could be a better option than using the full Activity diagram set.

Create a New Diagram