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Profile Diagram

A Profile diagram is any diagram created in a «profile» Package.

Profiles provide a means of extending the UML. They are based on additional stereotypes and Tagged Values that are applied to UML elements, connectors and their components. A Profile is a collection of such extensions that together describe some particular modeling problem and facilitate modeling constructs in that domain.

You generate Profile diagram elements and connectors from the 'Profile' pages of the Diagram Toolbox.

Example Diagram

A typical unit on a Profile diagram resembles this:

An example of a Profile diagram in Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.

Profile Diagram Element Toolbox Icons



See also

The first stage in creating a UML Profile is to create a Profile Package that has the stereotype «profile» in your technical development model.

Create a Profile Package

Stereotype elements represent the way in which each object is extended.

Add Stereotypes and Metaclasses

Metaclass elements represent the types of object that you are extending in your Profile Package.

Add Stereotypes and Metaclasses
Enumeration element

An Enumeration is a data type, whose instances can be any of a number of user-defined enumeration literals.


Profile Diagram Connector Toolbox Icons



See also

Connectors of type Extension represent an 'extents' relationship between two elements.

Add Stereotypes and Metaclasses
Generalization connector

A Generalization is used to indicate inheritance.


A Tagged Value connector defines a reference-type (that is, RefGUID) Tagged Value owned by the source stereotyped element; the Tagged Value name is the name of the target role of this connector, and the Tagged Value is limited to referencing elements with the stereotype of the target element.

Use the Tagged Value Connector

Learn more