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The Schema Importer

You can import Schemas compatible with the Schema Composer, into Enterprise Architect using the Schema Importer. The Schema Importer validates the Schema and creates a Schema type Schema Composer Profile upon successful validation, that can be viewed directly in the Schema Composer.

Currently, you can use the Schema Importer to import these Schemas:

  • Common Information Model (CIM) specific XML Schema
  • Common Information Model (CIM) specific RDFS XML



Develop > Schema Modeling  > Schema Composer > Import for Schema Composer

Import a Schema using the Schema Importer



See also

Schema File

Type the directory path and filename from which to import the Schema file.

Schema Set

Select the type of Schema being imported.

Currently the Schema Importer supports importing CIM specific:

  • XML Schema and

Reference Package

Select the Package containing the common elements specific to the schema set.

The Schema Importer will validate the elements in the Schema being imported against the elements in the reference Package.

View imported Schema in Schema Composer

Select this option to open the imported Profile in the Schema Composer.

The Schema Composer


Click on this button to start the import process.


Click on this button to close the 'Schema Importer' dialog.


  • The progress of import will be displayed in the System Output window
  • The Schema Composer will validate the Schema against the elements in the Reference Package before importing the Schema; if validation fails, the Schema elements that fail validation will be displayed in the System Output window and the import process will stop
  • Double-click on a validation error entry in the System Output Window to open the Schema in Enterprise Architect's internal file editor and go to the source of the error
  • If validation succeeds, the 'New Schema Definition' dialog displays, through which you can save the imported Profile in the file system or as an Artifact in the current model

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