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Configure Event Subtypes

The 'Configure Subtype' dialog enables you to define additional types of event to record on the Project Calendar, such as:

  • Define a new event type within a select event category
  • Change an existing event type
  • Delete an existing event type



Start > Collaborate > Calendar : Calendar options icon | Configure Event Subtypes

Manage the event types for your project



See also


On the 'Configure Subtype' dialog, in the 'Category' field, click on the drop-down arrow and select the appropriate category for the event.


Click on the 'Type' field and type a suitable name for the event type (or select an existing event from the list under the 'Category' field).


In the 'Color' field, click on the drop-down arrow and select or define a color for the event icon.


Click on the Save button to save the new or edited event type to the list for the specified category.

Click on the New button if you are going to create another event type.


If the event type is no longer required, click on the Delete button.


If required, you can change the sequence of the event types in the displayed list, using the 'Up Hand' and 'Down Hand' buttons at the bottom of the dialog.


Click on the OK button to close the dialog; any new event types are available for use in the Project Calendar.


  • In the Corporate, Unified and Ultimate Editions of Enterprise Architect, if security is enabled you must have 'Manage Project Calendar' permission in order to create or delete Project Calendar event subtypes; if security is not enabled, you can change data without this permission
  • You can transport your defined event types between projects, using the 'Settings > Model > Transfer > Export Reference Data' and 'Import Reference Data' ribbon options

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