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Word Substitution

In generating document reports, you will call in many English technical terms that are used across the system, in particular field names. It is possible to replace these field names in your generated documents with other terms that might be more meaningful to the readers, such as a translation of each term into your own language.



Publish > Model Reports > Report Builder > Generate Documentation > Word Substitution

Keyboard Shortcuts

F8 | Word Substitution

Add a translation for a term



See also


Double-click on the term in the 'English' column; the 'Enter Value' field displays.


Type the substitute text in the 'Enter Value' field, and click on the OK button.

The text displays in the 'Substitute' column, against the English term. This substitute will display in your generated reports in place of the English term.


  • To put the word substitutions into effect in a generated report, select the 'Language Substitution' checkbox on the 'Generate' tab