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Converge/Diverge Layout

The Converge layout attracts the set of selected elements towards the center of their bounding rectangle. Conversely, the Diverge layout repels the set of selected elements away from the center of their bounding rectangle. The Converge/Diverge layout also tries to maintain connector angles if an element in the set contains a connector with waypoints.

Showing a UML Class diagram where the classes are automatically arranged by moving elements away from a central element.

Invoke the Converge/Diverge layout



See also


Follow the general Layout Diagrams procedure, and at step 2 select 'Converge/Diverge'.

Layout Diagrams


Select the radio button for the required direction of the layout:

  • Converge - attracts the set of selected elements to the center point
  • Diverge - repels the set of selected elements from the center point


Set the 'Amount (%)' slider to the required percentage. A smaller percentage provides finer control of the change in layout.

The slider determines how far the elements are moved towards or away from the center point; the movement is the element's current distance from the center point multiplied by the percentage value set on the slider.

In the Converge layout, the element moves towards the center point; in the Diverge layout the element moves further away from the center point.