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View Review Document

In the Specification Manager, you can generate a range of documents that either guide a structured review of the elements you have listed, or provide the actual material - the descriptions, features and properties of the elements - to be reviewed. These documents are, by default, stored in the 'Formal Reviews' category of the Model Library, from which point they can be accessed in a number of ways. Whichever access path you select, the document opens in the application work area and you can read the document online, edit it and/or print it.

If you want to edit or print the document, you can do so using the facilities of the common document editor, which is used in creating and editing both documents and document templates.

The Specification Manager also provides a facility for changing the default folder into which the 'Review Documents' are generated, and from which you can select the documents to open.



To open the Library window:

  • Explore > Portals > Windows > Collaborate > Team Review    or
  • Start > Collaborate > Model Library


From the Library window:

  • Formal Reviews | <Package name> | double-click <document name>


  • If you have changed the default folder for the Package (by binding the Package to a folder other than those in the 'Formal Reviews' category), the 'Current Reviews' and 'Show Current Review Folder' options will automatically show the new default folder and the documents it contains; if you access the Library window directly, you would need to know the name and location of the new default folder

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