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Join a Review
When a review is first set up, the person managing the review will send an email inviting the reviewers to join it. This email is likely to contain links to the Review diagram and the Review element in the Browser window. You can use those links to highlight the object:
- In the Browser window (mouse over the link and click on the
- In the Review diagram (mouse over the link and click on the
icon), or
- In the Review view (double-click on the link)
Having located the object, you can join the review on it in a number of ways, both at this initial point and at any subsequent time when you want to work on the review, as outlined in the sections of this topic. When you join the review, the Discuss & Review window displays at the 'Review' tab; the name of the Review element then becomes the button name at the top of the screen, and the name of the selected element being reviewed displays beneath that.

From the Browser Window
Right-click on the Review element in the Browser window and select the 'Join Review' context menu option.
From the Review Diagram
Right-click on the Review element in the diagram and select the 'Join Review' context menu option.
From the Reviews View
Click on the Review element in the Review view and select the 'Join Review' context menu option. This makes the Review your Active Review, and the element name displays in bold.
In subsequent work sessions, to display the Review view, select the 'Start > Collaborate > Review > Manage Reviews' ribbon option.
From the Discuss & Review Window, Review Tab
The Discuss & Review window 'Review' tab is where a joined Review begins, but if you have the tab displayed with no Review element listed at the top, you can locate all Reviews with the status of 'Active', and join one of them.
- Click on the
icon in the tab heading and select the 'Join Review' menu option or
- Right-click on the body of the display and select the 'Find Review to Join' menu option
In either case the 'Select Active Review' dialog displays, listing the Active reviews in the project.

Before you actually join a review, consider how much work you intend to do on the review, when you intend to do it, and how inconvenient it might be to locate and join the review again in a subsequent work session. If you would prefer to:
- Automatically join to the review when logging in for a new work session, clear the 'Disconnect when I log out' checkbox
- Leave the review when you log out and manually rejoin it at some later time, leave the 'Disconnect when I log out' checkbox selected
Now click on the review you want to join, and click on the Join button. The dialog closes and you are joined to the review.
Note that you can also right-click on the dialog and select the 'Join Review' menu option. There is also an option in the menu to locate the Review element in the Browser window.
Result of Joining
When you have joined a review, that is your Active review and the Review element links to the review topics and posts you create. You can create discussion topics, reply to other users' discussion topics, and adjust the status and priority of each discussion. See the Take Part in a Review Help topic.
When you have completed your review work, select the 'Leave Review' context menu option or log out. However, note that the result of logging out depends on the setting of the 'Disconnect when I log out' option in the ' Select Active Review' dialog, as explained in the From the Discuss & Review Window, Review Tab section.