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Project Calendar is a display mode of the project Calendar facility. In Project Calendar mode, the 'Diary' panel shows a selected period of time containing flags for each event that takes place in or through that period. These events can be, for example, meetings, staff absences or commitments, product releases or public holidays.

You can customize the range of events that you record, using the 'Configure Subtype' dialog.



Start > Collaborate > Calendar > Project Calendar

Record an event in the Project Calendar



See also


Double-click on the required day, or the first day in a longer period.

The 'Project Event' dialog displays.


In the 'Subject' field, type the name of the event.


If the event is to take place at a specific place, in the 'Location' field type the name of the place or room.


In the 'Category' field, click on the drop-down arrow and select the appropriate categorization:

  • Event (such as an external trade show, or internal presentation)
  • Meeting (whether internal or external)
  • Milestone/Objective (such as a product test or release)
  • People (an absence or commitment of a specific staff member)


If the event is likely to occupy one complete day, select the 'All day event' checkbox; this:

  • Places the event icon at the top of the day field in the Diary, above any time sections
  • Hides the time sections of the 'Start time' and 'End time' fields


In the Start time and End time fields, specify the start and end dates and/or times of the event.

In the date section of each field, either:

  • Click on the drop-down arrow to display the current month and select the month and date, or
  • Click on the 'spin' arrows to roll the date forwards or backwards by one day at a time

In the time section of each field, click on the hour or minute components (which are separate) and either:

  • Type in the required time or
  • Click on the 'spin' arrows to roll the time backwards or forwards


In the 'Event Type' field, click on the drop-down arrow and select an appropriate type label for the event; the options change depending on the value you selected for the 'Category' field.

This provides the fill color for the event icon, as indicated by the fill box next to each option.


In the 'Defined as' field, click on the drop-down arrow and select the indicator for whether the event is internal or external to your organization.


If the event consists of a telephone call, select the 'Phone Call' checkbox.


In the description field, type any notes required on the event; these display in the mouse roll-over tool-tip for the event on the 'Diary' panel.


If this event repeats at regular intervals, click on the Recurrence button and complete the 'Event Recurrence' dialog.


Click on the OK button to save the event and display it on the Calendar.

Define a recurring event



See also


In the 'Start' and 'End' fields, specify the start and end times of the event; click on the hour or minute components (which are separate) and either:

  • Type in the required time or
  • Click on the 'spin' arrows to roll the time backwards or forwards


In the 'Duration' field, click on each of the day(s), hours and minutes portions and either type or 'spin' to the required value.

The hours and minutes portions are linked to the 'Start' and 'End' fields, so that:

  • As you edit the 'Start' field or the 'Duration' field, the 'End' field adjusts to maintain the duration relative to the start time
  • As you edit the 'End' field, the 'Duration' field changes to match the difference between the start and end times


In the 'Recurrence pattern' panel, select the appropriate radio button for the frequency of the event.

As you select the radio button, the fields on the right of the panel change to further define when the event recurs.


Select the appropriate radio buttons and field values, with this guidance:

  • Daily can be every 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 days, or every day of the working week
  • Weekly is on one or more specific days of the week, the events being separated by a period of between 1 and 51 complete weeks
  • Monthly can be on a specific date or a specific day of the month, the events being separated by a period of between 1 and 11 complete months
  • Yearly can be on a specific date or a specific day of a specific month


In the 'Range of recurrence' panel, in the 'Start' field, specify the date on which the event cycle begins.

Click on the day, month and year components (which are separate) and either:

  • Type in the required value or
  • Click on the 'spin' arrows to roll the date backwards or forwards


Select the appropriate radio buttons to indicate that the recurrence cycle:

  • Has no defined end point
  • Ends after a specific number of occurrences of the event (type in the number)
  • Ends by a specific date (enter the date)


Click on the OK button, and again on the 'Project Event' dialog.

The event icon displays at all points in the Calendar where it is scheduled to occur, as defined in the 'Event Recurrence' dialog; the recurrence is indicated by a graphic depicting two recirculating arrows.


If the recurrence is no longer required:

  • Double-click on the icon for any occurrence of the event, to display the 'Project Event' dialog
  • Click on the Recurrence button to display the 'Event Recurrence' dialog
  • Click on the Remove Recurrence button; the 'Event Recurrence' dialog closes
  • Click on the OK button; the 'Project Event' dialog closes

Only the first occurrence of the event remains in the Calendar.


  • The Project Calendar is available in the Corporate, Unified and Ultimate Editions of Enterprise Architect
  • In these Editions, if security is enabled you must have 'Manage Project Calendar' permission in order to create, update or delete Project Calendar events; if security is not enabled, you can change data without this permission
  • In the Lite Edition of Enterprise Architect, you can view Calendar entries but not change them
  • You can transport a calendar of defined events between projects, using the 'Settings > Model > Transfer > Export Reference Data' and 'Import Reference Data' ribbon options

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