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The Properties Window Selector

The Properties Window Selector provides immediate access to a range of windows for creating, examining and working on the properties of objects in the model, both from the Browser window and in diagrams. Each window name is a command that, when you click on it, opens that window.

You can display this Window Selector from both the 'Start > All Windows' ribbon panel and the 'Design > Element' ribbon panel.

The windows are organized into four sets, as described in the tables of this topic.


The options listed in this group provide access to the windows through which you define the nature and purpose of a selected element.



See also


Displays or returns focus to the Properties window. This window provides a convenient and immediate way to view and edit the properties of a range of modeling objects, including elements.

Properties Window for Elements


Displays or returns focus to the Notes window for the element, in which you can record useful information on the purpose, design and development of the element.

The Notes Window


Displays the Document window, in which you can read or edit the contents of a Linked Document on the current element.

Linked Documents in the Document Window

Tagged Values

Displays the 'Tags' tab of the Properties window, on which you can:

  • Assign a Tagged Value to an Item
  • Modify Tagged Values
  • Assign Notes to a Tagged Value
  • Perform advanced tag management

Note that Tagged Values from stereotypes are not displayed on the 'Tags' tab, but in a segment of the 'Element' tab of the window.

Tagged Values

Properties Dialog

Displays the 'Properties' dialog for the currently selected element, which helps you to define and review a wide range of properties of that element. The tabs and properties shown on the dialog depend on the type of element selected.

Properties Dialog

Element Browser

Displays the 'Details' tab of the Inspector window, showing all the added-on features and characteristics of the selected element.

Inspector - Details

Parents & Interfaces

Displays the 'Set Parents and Interfaces' dialog, on which you define the parent element(s) for a generalizable element, or an interface it realizes (implements).

Set Element Parent

Template Parameters

Displays the 'Templates' dialog, on which you can define:

  • Parameterized Class template parameters and
  • Binding expressions on a Binding Class
Template Classes

Element Features

The options listed in this group display specific tabs of the Features window, to enable you to manage those features of a selected element.



See also


Displays the Features window, a versatile and seamless tool for creating and editing the features of the selected element. The window has a number of tabs that help you to view, create, delete and manage:

  • Attributes
  • Operations and, for State elements, operation behaviors
  • Reception elements
  • On a State element, Internal Triggers
  • Structural elements, such as the Parts and Properties added to elements
  • Edge-mounted elements (Interaction Points) such as ActionPins and Ports that form the primary interaction points of complex, composite elements
  • Entry Points and Exit Points (Connection Points) on a State element
The Features Window


Displays the Features window at the 'Attributes' tab, which enables you to create and manage attributes of a selected element. Attributes define the properties or internal data elements of an element.



Displays the Features window at the 'Operations' tab, which enables you to create Operations and manage their basic properties. Operations are features of an element that represent the behavior or services an element supports.



Displays the Features window at the 'Receptions' tab, which enables you to manage any Receptions on the element. A Reception is a feature of a Classifier, and is derived from a Signal element.



Displays the Features window at the 'Parts/Properties' tab, which helps you to define certain constructs and events as structural elements, specifically Part and Property elements in this case.

Manage Structural Elements

Interaction Points

Displays the Features window at the 'Interaction Points' tab, which helps you to define certain constructs and events with structural elements, specifically Interaction Points or Ports, in this case.

Manage Structural Elements


The options listed in this group help you to identify, create and delete the entities that define the operating or processing rules applied to an element.



See also


Displays the Relationships window for the current element, listing the connectors issuing from and linking to the selected element.

The Relationships Window


Displays the Responsibility window, which provides a convenient method of quickly identifying, creating and deleting rules applied to an element. The window shows the name and main properties of the entities that impose such rules or restrictions on the element, namely Requirements, Constraints, Scenarios and files.



Displays the 'Requirements' tab of the Responsibility window, helping you to sketch out an element's internal requirements (you can switch from this tab to the 'Properties' dialog to add detail to the requirement).



Displays the 'Constraints' tab of the Responsibility window, which helps you to sketch out the element's constraints (you can switch from this tab to the 'Properties' dialog to add detail to the constraint). Typical constraints are pre- and post-conditions, which indicate things that must be true before the element is created or accessed and things that must be true after the element is destroyed or its action is complete.


Structured Scenarios

Displays the Scenarios View, offering a wide range of facilities for generating and modifying scenarios, which you can use to quickly and easily define the structure, actions and interactions of the scenarios defined for an element such as a Use Case. These scenarios can be the main (basic) path, alternate paths or exception paths.

Scenarios View

Simple Scenarios

Displays the 'Scenarios' tab of the Responsibility window; this is the simplest of the three screens on which you can create and manage scenarios for an element. You use this tab to create a Basic Path scenario or, if a Basic Path already exists, an Alternate Path scenario.

A scenario is a real-world sequence of operations that describes how the functional behavior, business workflows and end-to-end business processes represented by an element work in real-time.

Scenarios - Responsibility Window

Find Scenarios

Executes a search across the model to locate all elements that have defined scenarios.





See also

Compartment Visibility

If you have selected an element on an open diagram, this option displays the Compartment Visibility window in which you can set a collection of options to display or hide the features of that element on that diagram.

Feature Visibility

Feature Matrix

Displays the Feature Matrix, on which you create display and manage relationships between two elements where the source and/or target is an element attribute, operation or reception.

The Feature Matrix

Default Appearance

Displays the 'Default Appearance' dialog, on which you can change the global default appearance settings for an element type to a default appearance for a specific selected element wherever it is used in any diagram. The default appearance is the:

  • Fill, border and font colors
  • Font styles, including font face and size
  • Border thickness
Set an Element's Default Appearance


If you have selected an element, diagram or Package, this option displays the 'Lock Element' dialog on which you set or release a lock against other users being able to update the object.

Locking Model Elements