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Diagram Panel

The 'Diagram' panel contains a set of facilities for creating and managing diagrams and the elements they contain. Diagrams are a way of presenting and visualizing a model's elements and their connections. They can be enhanced by a range of overlays that transform the diagram into an expressive view such as a Kanban board, a Roadmap diagram, or swimlanes, which allow elements to be allocated to different aspects such as responsibility or ownership. A diagram can also be viewed in a number of other formats, such as a list of elements or a Gantt chart describing the allocation of resources to the elements.

Available Facilities



See also


Click on this icon to display the Diagram Toolbox (if it is not already open); the Diagram Toolbox is a panel of icons specific to a diagram type that you can use to create elements and connectors on a diagram.

Diagram Toolbox

Add Diagram

Click on this icon to create a new diagram under the selected Package or element. The 'New Diagram' dialog displays, through which you can create a new diagram of any type under any technology supported by Enterprise Architect, based on a diagram Pattern.

Add New Diagrams


Click on the drop-down arrow to display a list of options for actions to apply to the selected diagram.

  • Properties - maintain the properties of the current diagram, using the diagram 'Properties' dialog
  • Lock - display the 'Lock Diagram' dialog for the currently-open diagram, on which you restrict changes to the diagram
  • Clone as New Version - copy the currently-selected diagram in the Browser window and paste it into the Browser window as a new diagram; a prompt displays for you to enter a version number for the new diagram, followed by a browser on which you select its parent Package
  • Compare to Baseline - Compare the current diagram with a previously-captured Baseline of the diagram
  • Add to Working Set - add the diagram to a working set to open when you open the model
  • Save as Profile - Save the current diagram as a Profile
  • Swimlanes - divide the currently-open diagram into logical areas or partitions using the 'Swimlanes and Matrix' dialog
  • Kanban - convert the currently open diagram to Kanban format, using the 'Kanban' dialog
  • Roadmap - convert the currently open diagram to a roadmap with a timescale, using the 'Roadmap options' dialog
  • Search for Diagram - display the Find in Project view, pre-loaded with the 'Diagram Details' search to locate diagrams of a specific name
  • Browse for Diagram - display the 'Select Classifier' browser, through which you can locate and open a diagram in your model
Locking Model Elements Swimlanes Matrix Roadmap Diagrams Pre-defined Searches Kanban Boards Diagram Properties Change Diagram Type Working Sets Visual Diagram Changes


Click on the drop-down arrow to display a list of options to display the currently open and selected diagram:

  • In the standard graphical display format
  • As a tabular, editable list of elements (Diagram List)
  • In a Gantt Chart format, showing the Project Resources assigned to each element
  • With each element represented by a text description in the Specification Manager
  • With every relationship shown in a matrix of the source and target elements, in the Relationship Matrix
  • In the Construct View, representing the diagram as an element hierarchy showing element type, order of display and any parent-child structures
  • In the Inline Specification View - for the graphical display format, select between displaying and hiding a Specification view of the diagram elements in the right half of the diagram
The Project Gantt View Diagram List The Traceability Window Specification Manager - Overview Diagram View


Click on the drop-down arrow to display a list of options for managing the diagram's behavior.

  • Configure Z Order - display the 'Modify Z Order' dialog, on which you set the Z order of each element on the diagram
  • Make all Elements Selectable - click on this option to make all the elements on the current diagram selectable, so that they each can be worked on
  • Change Type - change the diagram type
  • Sequence Communication Messages - (in a Communication diagram) change the sequence of messages
  • Auto Reload Changed Diagrams - automatically reloads open diagrams that have been saved by other users within the last 60 seconds
Working Sets Visual Diagram Changes Change Diagram Type Re-Order Messages Export a Profile The Context Menu


If an element is:

  • Selectable, you can move it around the diagram and perform right-click context-menu operations
  • Unselectable, you cannot move it around the diagram and the only right-click operation available is to make the element selectable

The 'Make all Elements Selectable' option has no effect on double-click operations on the element, such as displaying child diagrams.