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Create Project Shortcut

You can create a shortcut to an Enterprise Architect project (either a DBMS project or file based project). The shortcut can specify additional windows and diagrams to open up automatically every time the shortcut is run, to create a working environment in advance for other users.

Shortcuts are stored with a .EAP extension, but are actually small text files that tell Enterprise Architect what project to open and what initial views and windows to display.



Project list: Save as Shortcut

Create a project shortcut



See also


Open Enterprise Architect.


Open the required project.


Select the 'Project list |Save as Shortcut' option.

The 'Save Project Shortcut' dialog displays.


Click on the Browse. button at the end of the 'Target File' field.

The 'Save Project As' dialog displays.


Browse for the appropriate file location and, in the 'File name' field, type an appropriate filename.

All shortcuts are .EAP files, regardless of whether the model itself is a .EAP file or a DBMS model.


Click on the Save button to return to the 'Save Project Shortcut' dialog.


Click on the Add Other button and select the required option to define:

  • A diagram to open
  • A Relationship Matrix profile to open
  • The Library window
  • A Model Search to perform
  • A working set to apply
  • A workspace layout to apply


The appropriate browser or dialog displays to define the view to display; enter the details and click on the OK button.

The view is added to the 'Actions when model is opened' field; the entry is automatically selected, with a tick in the checkbox.


Repeat steps 7 and 8 for as many additional views as you require.


Review the items in the 'Actions when model is opened' field.

  • If you decide not to have an item in the shortcut, deselect its checkbox
  • If you want to clear all selected items, click on the Include None button

Unselected entries are deleted when you save the shortcut.


If you decide to change the sequence and/or make a different view display first in the Diagram View:

  • Click on the appropriate entry
  • Click on the 'Up Hand' or 'Down Hand' buttons


Click on the OK button to save the shortcut.


  • When you subsequently open the 'Save Project Shortcut' dialog, it lists the currently-opened views in the order in which they were opened; you can add further views or remove them from the shortcut

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