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Create a Project in a MS Access 2007 Database

With the release of Enterprise Architect v16, while it is still possible to utilize MS Access 2007 (.ACCDB) based repositories using an ODBC based connection, the introduction of the .EADB file type greatly simplifies the creation process. Therefore Sparx Systems recommends that all new MS Access 2007 based repositories should be created as .EADB. But these instructions remain for historical purposes.

The .ACCDB database format was introduced with MS Access 2007 and remains the format for all versions of MS Access since. In order for Enterprise Architect to be able to read data from a MS Access 2007, databases the local machine must have the appropriate ODBC driver (Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb) ) installed. The ODBC driver (and supporting file) are installed by either having MS Access 2007 (or later) or the MS Access 2013 (or later) redistributables (sometimes referred to as the Access Database Engine or ACE) installed. MS Access requires a license, while the redistributables can be freely downloaded from the Microsoft website

To create a project in a MS Access 2007 database, you work through these stages:

  • Stage 1: Obtain the EABase.accdb file
  • Stage 2: Create ODBC DSN
  • Stage 3: Connect to the Repository
  • Stage 4: (optional) Transfer an existing repository into the MS Access 2007 database 


  • MS Access 2007 (or later)  or  MS Access 2013 Access Database Engine (or later) is installed on the local machine

1. Obtain the EABase.accdb file




Download  (where XXXX is the latest schema version number) from the Sparx Systems website, and unzip the file contained within to a temporary location.


Move file EABaseXXXX.accdb to an appropriate location on your local hard drive and at the same time rename the file to something meaningful for the current project.

2. Create ODBC DSN



See also


The Windows Operating System includes two different versions of the ODBC administrative tool, one for 32 bit and the other for 64 bit applications. Therefore you need to open the 'Open Data Source Administrator' that corresponds to the architecture of your Enterprise Architect application. The easiest way to achieve this is to use Enterprise Architect's build-in ribbon option: 'Settings > User Tools > ODBC Data Sources'.

The ODBC Data Source Administrator window displays.

Managing Connections to Projects


The DSN can be saved as either a User or System DSN, if you have administrator privileges on the local machine then we would suggest saving the DSN  as a System DSN, otherwise your only option is to create a User DSN.


Click on the Add button.

The 'Create New Data Source' dialog displays, enabling you to add a new DSN.


Select 'MS Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)' from the list.

Note: Make sure NOT to select  'MS Access Driver (*.mdb)' without the '*.accdb'; this is the older driver and does not work with MS Access 2007 databases.


Click on the Finish button.

The  'ODBC Microsoft Access Setup' dialog is displayed.


Enter these configuration details:

  • Data Source Name: (DSN), a unique name for the connection
  • Description: (optional) description of the DSN


Click on the Select button to display the Select Database screen. Use this to browse for and select the database file, which was renamed in step 1.2.


Click on the OK button on the Select Database screen.


Click on the OK button on the ODBC Microsoft Access Setup screen.  This will save the ODBC DSN.


If the test succeeds, click on the OK button to complete the configuration.

If the test does not succeed, review your settings.

3. Connect to the Repository




Open the 'Data Link Properties' dialog using one of these methods:

  • Keyboard Shortcut:  Ctrl+O : Connect to Server
  • Start Page | Server Connection (direct to 'Open Server Connection' dialog)
  • Project list | Open Project : Connect to Server
  • Start Page : Manage Projects : Connect to Server


On the 'Provider' tab select 'Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers', click on the Next >> button.


Select the ODBC DSN defined in Stage 2 in the 'Use data source name' combo; click on the Test Connection button.


Once step 3.3 is successful, click on the OK button to open the repository.

If the test does not succeed, review your settings.

4. Transfer existing repository contents

This step is only required if your new MS Access 2007 repository should be loaded with the contents of another repository, if you are wanting

4.1. Perform a Project Integrity Check

To avoid any potential data issues with the source repository, a Project Integrity Check should be performed. While this step is optional, Sparx Systems do recommend that it is performed.



See also


Using Enterprise Architect, open the source project .EAP/.EAPX file.

File Based Projects


Select the 'Settings > Model > Integrity > Project Integrity' ribbon option.

Check Data Integrity


Ensure that in the 'Action' panel 'Report Only' is selected, and that all checkboxes in the 'Checks to Run' panel are selected, then click on the Go button.


If Enterprise Architect detects that the existing model contains integrity issues, they will be listed in the main panel at the bottom of the dialog. These issues should be resolved before continuing with the project transfer.

4.2. Transfer Source Project to an Empty .ACCDB File

From Enterprise Architect Release 16.0 onwards, there is an alternative to the .accdb file that is easier to use; this is the Access .eadb file.  Enterprise Architect uses .EADB as the extension to connect to the file using the Access ODBC driver. See the File Based Projects Help topic.

Note that if the .eap or .eapx file has replication enabled, this must be removed before performing the transfer. See the Remove Replication Help topic.



See also


Open Enterprise Architect.

(If the 'Open Project' dialog displays, click on the Cancel button to open with no project loaded.)


Select the 'Settings > Model > Transfer > Full Project Transfer via Connection' ribbon option.

The 'Project Transfer' dialog displays.


In the 'Transfer Type' panel, select 'File to DBMS'.


In the 'Source Project' field, click on the Browse. button and browse for and select the name of the .eap or .eapx file to copy to the repository.

Remove Replication


At the right of the 'Target Project' field, click on the   button and click on the 'ODBC Connection Wizard' option.

The 'Datalink Properties' dialog displays.


Select 'Microsoft Office 12.0 Access Database Engine OLE DB Provider' from the list.

Click on the Next button.


Obtain an empty MS Access 2007 base project from the Sparx Systems DBMS Based Repositories web page, and rename the file to suit the intended purpose.


On the 'Data Source Details' page of the 'Datalink Properties' dialog, type in the full path to the Access 2007 .ACCDB file.

Click on the OK button to return to the 'Project Transfer' dialog.


If required, select the 'Logfile' checkbox and type a path and filename for the data transfer log file.


Click on the Transfer button to begin the data transfer process.

When the process is complete, you will have created your project in an Access 2007 database and can open it directly from Enterprise Architect, browsing for the .EADB file location in the 'Open Project' dialog.

Managing Connections to Projects


  • Connecting to DBMS based Repositories is available in the Enterprise Architect Corporate, Unified and Ultimate Editions
  • If you do not have Access 2007, you can download the Access Database Engine from the Microsoft downloads site

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