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Standard Chart Data

When you have created a Standard Chart element (for a Pie Chart, Bar Chart or Heat Map), the next step is to define:

  • What type of Chart to create
  • What data the Chart will collate and present
  • What the source of the data is

You define these aspects on the Chart element's 'Properties' dialog.


Select a Chart element on a diagram or in the Browser window, then use any of the methods outlined here to open the chart element's 'Properties' dialog.

On the chart element's 'Properties' dialog, display the 'Source' tab.


Design > Element > Editors > Properties Dialog > Source

Context Menu

Right-click on element | Properties | Source

Keyboard Shortcuts

Alt+Enter | Source


Double-click on element | Source

Define Chart Data



See also

Define Chart Type

In the 'Type' field, click on the drop-down arrow and click on the basic type of Chart to create (Pie, 2D Bar, 3D Bar or Heat Map).

After you have specified the data type and source, you can further refine the Chart type using the 'Appearance' page of the dialog.

Chart Appearance

Define Data Types

The fields for defining the chart data depend on which chart type you have specified. Some fields are not shown, whilst others might be disabled.

For Pie and Bar charts, click on the Browse. button next to the 'Series' field and, from the menu and sub-menus, select the primary object type and property to show in the Chart. For example:


For a Bar Chart, whether 2D or 3D, or a Heat Map you can optionally select a secondary object type and property by which to impose a grouping of the data on the Chart. In the 'Group By' field, click on the Browse. button and select this object type and property. For example:


This combination produces a Chart that shows the numbers of elements having each status, grouped by element type.

For a Heat Map you have two other fields available:

  • Size By - Click on the Browse. button and select the data type and property to generate cells identifying each combination of that data type and the property values, of a size determined by the number of instances of each combination; for example, if you select Element.Author each cell will represent an Author name and the size of each cell will indicate the number of elements in the data set with that author name
  • Color By - (Optional) click on the Browse. button and select the data type and property used to apply color to a cell - if you want to color by the same combination as is used to size a cell, leave this field blank; the color is retrieved by matching this combination to a color defined in a Color Set on the 'Appearance' page for the Heat Map


  • SQL Searches and CSV strings define the data selection, so if you select either of these as the data source the data fields are disabled

Define Data Source

The data you present in your Chart is likely to come from within your model, although you can also copy a simple Comma Separated Value (CSV) spreadsheet from an external file into the dialog, for display.

You have several options for locating the data within your model. You can search:

  • Within one or more specific Packages
  • Across the whole model
  • As defined by a tailored SQL Query

You can also filter the data you are collecting, to highlight specific features of the model. Again, as the CSV and SQL definitions specify the data characteristics themselves, the filtering option is not enabled for them.

An advantage of defining the search or CSV table within the element is that the search or data is available with the Chart element where all users can access it, rather than being restricted to the workstation of the person who created the data Chart.

Fully specifying and committing one type of data source will clear the definition of any previously-used data source.

CSV Data From a Package Custom Query Element Filters in Standard Charts

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