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Add Diagram Links To Diagrams

Whilst a diagram usually represents a structure of modeling objects, it can also act as a portal through which you can access related diagrams that provide more detail on an aspect, or alternative views of the structure, or views of other structures. Where there are many diagrams (or, indeed, other objects and features) to move on to, the initial diagram can become a home page for a part of the project, or even the entire project.

Several options for linking to another diagram are provided by the 'Select Type' dialog, which displays when you drag the target diagram from the Browser window onto the host diagram.

The Drop Diagram As dialog allows a user to select from the different diagram hyperlink styles.

Drop Diagram Options

Select the appropriate option to set up the required type of link to the target diagram, and then click on the OK button.



See also

Diagram Frame

This option creates a Diagram Frame element containing an image of the dropped diagram, with the name of the dropped diagram in the frame label. Any user looking at the host diagram can double-click on the Diagram Frame and open the target diagram for review and - if they have the access permissions - for edit.

Diagram Frame

Diagram Reference

This option creates an empty Diagram Frame element with the name of the dropped diagram in the frame label. Any user looking at the host diagram can double-click on the Diagram Frame and open the target diagram for review and - if they have the access permissions - for edit.

Diagram Frame


This option adds a Hyperlink element to the diagram, containing a diagram icon with no frame, followed by the names of the parent Package and target diagram. Double-clicking on this hyperlink will open the target diagram.

You can edit the hyperlink to point to another diagram, or to not display the diagram icon, by right-clicking on the element and selecting the 'Properties' option.

You can also create an identical Hyperlink element by dragging the Hyperlink icon onto the host diagram from the 'Common' Toolbox page, right-clicking on the element and selecting 'Properties', and then selecting 'Diagram' from the 'Type' drop-down list.

Hyperlinks Between Diagrams

Navigation Cell

This option creates a Navigation Cell (a UML Diagram element) that contains the name of the target diagram and, in the top right corner, an icon representing the diagram type. Just after you click on the OK button, the 'Select Image' dialog displays, from which you can select a graphic that represents the nature of the diagram. You can also select a diagram Theme for the image, from the 'Image List' field. If you do not want to add an image to the element, click on the Cancel button.

Navigation Cells


This option creates a Model View chart that lists the elements within the target diagram. When you select the option and click on the OK button, the Model View element 'Properties' dialog displays at the 'Chart Details > Source' page, showing the SQL statement that populates the list. Click on the OK button to execute the search and generate the List of Elements Chart.

A model view chart lists the elements on a linked diagram in a tabular format.

Define a Model View Chart

Other Links to Diagrams from Diagrams

There are additional ways to link to and access one diagram from another. These include:

  • From the Browser window, drag a Package containing the target diagram (as the first diagram listed in the Package) onto the host diagram, and select the 'Package Element' option; when a user double-clicks on the Package element on the host diagram, the target diagram displays
  • Right-click on a suitable element in the host diagram and select the 'New Child Diagram | Composite Structure Diagram' option, then double-click on the element to display the first diagram underneath the element; if that is not the required diagram, right-click on the element and select the 'New Child Diagram | Select Composite Diagram' option, then choose the target diagram from the 'Select Classifier' dialog
         -  You can display the target Composite diagram instead of the parent element on the host
            diagram; right-click and select the 'New Child Diagram | Show Composite Diagram in Frame'
         -  Alternatively, you can display the target diagram in a compartment within the parent element
            outline; right-click and select the 'New Child Diagram | Show Composite Diagram in
            Compartment' option
  • For most types of diagram link, when a user clicks on the link the target diagram opens; the diagram name tab has a small arrow on it which, when you double-click on it, returns you to the original diagram (), closing the linked diagram

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