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Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

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The Start Page

The Start Page is the default landing page that displays when you first open Enterprise Architect. It provides a range of useful commands to create and/or access project files, connect to a server repository, or access a project via the Cloud. You can also access a set of Portals that provide the facilities, resources, links, tailored searches and reports for working in a particular task area, such as publishing or developing a model.

The facilities and commands on the Start Page are made available through the 'Open' and 'New' options, the 'Recent' and 'Pinned' lists and the 'Open a Portal' option.

Notice that when you initially open Enterprise Architect, the Browser window contains the option '<click to open project>'. This has the same effect as the 'New > Manage Projects' option, described in the New table.


Opened by default on start up of Enterprise Architect.


Start > Desktop > Workspaces > Show Start Page




See also

Local project

Click on this option to display the 'Select Enterprise Architect Project to Open' dialog to browse for and open an existing project file (.eap, .eapx or .feap).

Server connection

Click on this option to display the 'Data Link Properties' dialog, from which you begin to specify a data source to connect to, on one of a number of supported repositories.

This feature is available in the Corporate, Unified and Ultimate editions.

Connect to an ASA Data Repository Connect to an Oracle Repository (ODBC) Connect to a PostgreSQL Repository Connect to a MySQL Repository Connect to an Oracle Repository (OLE DB) Connect to a SQL Server Repository

Cloud connection

Click on this option to open the 'Cloud Connection' dialog, which you use to specify a project held at a remote location, and to access it through the internet or web. You work on the project using the Enterprise Architect installation on your machine.

An advantage of working in this way is that you do not need to have the database drivers installed on your machine, as you would to work on projects held on a DBMS server.

Connecting Enterprise Architect to a Cloud Model




See also

Create a new project

Click on this option to create a new local (.eap or .feap) project file, and to add model structures to it using the Model Wizard.

Model Wizard File Based Projects

Manage projects

Click on this option to open the 'Manage Projects' dialog, which you use to manage connections to the Enterprise Architect projects (.eap files, .eapx files, .feap files, DBMS server connections and Cloud connections) to which you have access.

Managing Connections to Projects


This is a list of up to ten Enterprise Architect projects (.eap files, .eapx files, .feap files, DBMS server connections and Cloud connections) that you have opened most recently. The drop-down arrow in the list heading displays options to:

  • Switch the list between recently-accessed models and currently 'watched' models, and
  • Set up a 'Watched Model' configuration to define what projects to monitor and what actions to capture within the models (see the Model Watches Help topic)
  • Change the sequence of models in the list between an alphabetical listing and a chronological listing (most recently opened at the top)



See also


  • Click on a project name in the list to open that project in the current instance of Enterprise Architect (and close any project you already have open), or
  • Ctrl+click on a project name in the list to launch that project in a separate instance of Enterprise Architect, in addition to the current project

You can also right-click on a project name in the list and display a short context menu with options to:

  • Open the selected project in the current instance of Enterprise Architect (and close any project you already have open)
  • Launch the selected project in a new instance of Enterprise Architect (keeping the current project open in the current instance)
  • Add the model to the list of watched models that you are monitoring for various kinds of activity
  • Pin the connection, thereby moving it to the 'Pinned' model list; the model name is deleted from the 'Recent' list
  • Remove the selected project from the list (which removes the link to the project, not the project file itself)
How to Remove Links to Recent Projects Model Watches


The 'Pinned' repository list allows modelers who frequently work on particular repositories to add them to a list where they can always be easily and reliably accessed. Some users might only work on a single corporate repository or a small set of project repositories, so the 'Recent' list will always provide access to these projects. However, other users such as consultants and multi-disciplinary team members often work on a large number of repositories and, in this scenario, the repositories they need to visit regularly might 'drop-off' the 'Recent' list as new repositories are visited. If these repositories are added to the 'Pinned' list they will always be available.

The 'Pinned' list shows up to ten Enterprise Architect projects (.eap files, .eapx files, .feap files, DBMS server connections and Cloud connections) that you have opened at some point in the 'Recent' list and you have 'pinned' so that they remain available for selection across all registry hives that you might use.

You can also right-click on a project name in the list and display a short context menu with options to:

  • Open the selected project in the current instance of Enterprise Architect (and close any project you already have open)
  • Launch the selected project in a new instance of Enterprise Architect (keeping the current project open in the current instance)
  • If the project is accessed via a connection string to a DBMS or Cloud repository, change the project name and/or the connection string
  • Remove the selected project from the list (which removes the link to the project, not the project file itself; the link is not returned to the 'Recent' list)

Open a Portal

This option displays a drop-down list of the Portals available in Enterprise Architect. Click on the appropriate Portal name to display that Portal on the left or right of the screen.

Portal Name


See also

Recent Places

The Recent Places Portal provides links to the diagrams, files, documents and system windows that you recently had in use, and the diagrams that you have open currently.

Recent Places Portal

Recent Activity

The Recent Activity Portal provides links to run searches that locate recent activities of various types across the model.  The searches are grouped to identify:

  • Recently changed elements, documents, diagrams and discussions
  • Recent formal reviews
  • Recent informal Discussions
  • Recently active Tasks
  • Results of recently-run tests
  • Recently reported and investigated Changes
  • Recently reported and investigated Defects
  • Recently reported and investigated Issues
Recent Activity Portal

Working Sets

The Working Sets Portal provides links to the system-provided working sets that you might use to lay out the Enterprise Architect work area, but even more so to any working sets that you have created yourself. The system options include:

  • Managing Working Sets and
  • Windows open when Model was last closed (which includes the Diagram View)
Working Sets Portal

Model Views

The Model Views Portal helps you to capture information on the objects in your model from different aspects that you define yourself, helping you to encapsulate your model under the areas you are interested in. You can define a number of types of view based on searches or objects that you have placed into a collection, or you can collate diagrams into a slide show. You can also import views from, or export views to, other models.

Model Views Portal


The Workspaces Portal provides links to the system-provided workspaces  that you might use to lay out the Enterprise Architect work area, and to any workspaces that you have created yourself. The categories provided are:

  • Customised ('My Workspaces')
  • Core
  • Design
  • Software
  • Simulation
  • Construction
Workspaces Portal


The Perspectives Portal provides a wide range of model Patterns from which you can generate model structures for particular areas of work. The Patterns are organized into groups within Perspectives, and presented for selection through the 'Model Patterns' tab of the Model Wizard, and through the 'New Diagram' dialog. The Portal also includes a category for Perspectives that you have created yourself, which provide the Patterns from MDG Technologies you have specified in the Perspective.

Perspectives Portal


The Windows Portal provides links to the Enterprise Architect windows that you might use. The windows are grouped under the areas of:

  • Exploring the model
  • Properties
  • Diagrams
  • Specialized Tools
  • Trace
  • Collaborate
  • Test
  • Task
  • Maintenance
  • Templates
Windows Portal


The Extend Portal lists the MDG Technologies currently active in your model - such as ArcGIS or NEIM - and for each one provides links to the facilities for working with those technologies within Enterprise Architect.

Extend Portal


The Execute Portal provides a wide range of options that help you to:

  • Perform Execution Analysis on your model - building and running the Analyzer scripts
  • Record, Profile, Debug and Simulate the execution of your modeled application
  • Access various windows that display specific aspects of debugging and simulating an application
  • Create and edit code for your application
Execute Portal


The Guidebook Portal provides links to the library of Enterprise Architect User Guides in PDF format. The Portal initially displays with ten categories of document, each of which can be expanded to a list of the PDF documents in that category.

Guidebook Portal


The Learning Portal provides links to either the web version of the Enterprise Architect User Guide, or the locally-installed Help if you have downloaded that. The Portal also provides links to a number of useful web pages on the Sparx Systems website, such as the Tutorials, Webinars and Video Demonstrations pages.

Learning Portal


  • You can hide the Start Page, or show it again, by toggling the 'Start > Desktop > Workspaces > Show Start Page' ribbon option; this setting persists after shut down and restart of Enterprise Architect until you explicitly toggle the option again

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