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Model Transformation

Getting to know the Model Transformation



Introducing Model Transformation

Model Transformations are a productivity tool that allow models to be manipulated to create more specialized or resolved models. The transformations can be applied to produce a variety of output models including logical and physical data models, XML Schema models, programming languages and more. The Model Driven Architecture (MDA) transformations use a flexible and fully configurable template system.

Using MDA model transformation in Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.

Where to find Model Transformation

Ribbon: Design > Tools > Transform > Transform Selection

Usage of Model Transformation

Model Transformations can be used as a productivity tool to transform a primitive model to a more resolved model. There is a wide range of built-in transformations, including:

  • Generating from a Class model to a programming language model, including C++, C#, PHP, Java and many more
  • Generating from a Class model to a data model, including ERD, Oracle, SQL Server, XSD and WSDL models
  • Generating from a Class model to a test model, including NUnit and JUnit test models and more

Options for Model Transformation

Model Transformations are completely configurable using a powerful, simple and flexible template system. This includes the flexibility to create new user defined transformations and modify or extend existing ones.

MDA Transformation from Platform Independent Model (PIM) to multiple Platform Specific Models (PSM) in Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.

Learn more about Model Transformation

Model Transformation