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Time Series Chart

A Time Series Chart can have this appearance:

An example Time Series Chart using Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.

You define this appearance - or its alternatives - on the 'Appearance' page of the element 'Properties' dialog, after having set the data source, content and refresh interval on the 'Source' page. Each change in appearance setting is immediately illustrated by an example Chart on the 'Appearance' page.


Select a Chart element on a diagram or in the Project Browser.


Design > Element > Properties > Properties Dialog > Appearance

Keyboard Shortcuts

Alt+Enter | Appearance


Double-click on element | Appearance

Define Time Series Chart Appearance



See also


Click on the drop down arrow and select how the object Type is represented:

  • As a Stacked Line, where the summed values of the data points for a time interval are represented by the positions of the markers, and the label on each marker identifies the contribution that data point made to the total; for example, at a given time there are 3 Approved changes, 5 Implemented changes and 9 Merged changes (as recorded in the marker labels), so the total number of changes is 17 and the Chart shows the markers at 3, 8 (3+5) and 17 (3+5+9)
  • As a 100% Stacked Line, where the summed values of data points total 100%, the markers for each data point indicate the percentage contribution each data point made to that total, and the label on each marker indicates the value of the data point
  • As a Stacked Spline, similar to a Stacked Line but instead of the connecting lines being straight  the trend of the line is extrapolated into a curve
  • As a Step line, where the markers represent the value of the data points and the connecting lines are horizontal until the data value changes at the next sample point; that is, there is no assumption of change between the sample points
  • As a Line (the default, as illustrated), where a marker indicates the value of each data point and the data points for an object are connected by a straight line

Show Data Markers

Defaults to selected, to show a marker symbol to highlight the data point.

Deselect the checkbox to hide the data markers.

Marker Shape

Disabled if the 'Show Data Markers' checkbox is not selected.

Click on the drop-down arrow and select a shape for the data markers. The options are:

  • Circle
  • Triangle
  • Rectangle
  • Diamond

Marker Size

Disabled if the Show Data Markers checkbox is not selected.

Click on the drop-down arrow and select the size of the data markers, in pixels. Options are:

  • 7
  • 10
  • 15
  • 20

Show Data Labels

This checkbox defaults to selected, to display each data value as a framed label (as shown).

Deselect the checkbox to hide the labels, if you want to observe the trend rather than the actual values.

Label Angle

Disabled if the 'Show Data Labels' checkbox is not selected.

Click on the drop down arrow and select the angle at which to display the data labels on the data points. Options are:

  • -90 - parallel to and left of the data point
  • -45 - at a 45 degree angle above and to the left of the data point
  • 0 - directly above the data point
  • 45 - at a 45 degree angle above and to the right of the data point
  • 90 - parallel to and right of the data point

If there is any overlap of labels the position of those labels adjusts to ensure a clear display.

Display Shadow

This checkbox defaults to selected, to display the line and markers with a gray shadow (as shown).

Deselect the checkbox to omit the shadow.

Line width

Click on the down-arrow to change the width of the line on the Chart. The options are:

  • 1 Pixel
  • 2 Pixels
  • 3 Pixels
  • 4 Pixels
  • 5 Pixels

Line Style

Click on the down arrow and select the format of the line. Options are

  • Solid ()
  • Dash ()
  • Dot ()
  • Dash Dot ()
  • Dash Dot Dot ()


Click on this button to apply the changes and close the dialog.


Click on this button to abort the changes and close the dialog.

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