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Interaction Operand Condition and Message Behavior
When you simulate the behavior of a Sequence diagram, you can use a Condition for the CombinedFragment Interaction Operand, to control the flow during the course of the simulation.
A Message in Sequence diagram can link to an Operation, so the behavior of the Operation can also be used during the course of the simulation.
Interaction Operand Conditions
Field/Column |
Description |
See also |
Operand Condition |
Interaction Operand Conditions are conditional statements that are evaluated whenever the simulator has to determine which path to take next. Operand Conditions typically have these characteristics:
Adding Operand Conditions |
To add an Operand Condition:
Evaluation Semantics |
During execution the Simulator evaluates any Operand Condition within the CombinedFragment; the CombinedFragment type and the outcome of the evaluation can determine the path that the simulation continues on. |