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Simulation Events Window

The Simulation Events window is where you manage triggers and sets of events in a simulation. Its main functions are to:

  • Add, delete and re-sequence a set of triggers for a simulation
  • Display a list of fired, lost and waiting events for the current running simulation
  • Provide options to fire any arbitrary trigger into the current simulation
  • Provide a convenient 'Waiting Triggers' list of triggers that the simulation is waiting on
  • Save trigger sets for later use in both manual and automated simulations
  • Accept triggers dragged from the Project Browser into the current list
  • Enter trigger parameters for a waiting trigger prior to firing

As triggers are consumed in the simulation, their status and position is logged in the main body of the Simulation Events window.

You can save the log of fired triggers as a trigger set or event set to reapply in another Simulation run, which you can execute manually or automatically. See the topic Trigger Sets and Auto-Firing for more information on building and using Trigger sets.

This image illustrates the Simulation Events window during execution.



Simulate > Core > Events

Column Details



See also


During and after the simulation, indicates the position in the sequence in which a trigger was fired or is expected to be fired. Note that if a trigger is fired out of sequence, it will be moved to the bottom of the signalled events section.


The name of the trigger - identifies the Trigger used to initiate the event.



Indicates the status of the Trigger. Values can be:

  • used - the trigger has been fired and processing has passed on
  • lost - the trigger has been fired in the list, but it had no effect
  • signalled - a trigger was fired and consumed by one or more transitions
  • not signalled - the trigger has not yet been fired


Indicates the type of trigger. Currently only supports:

  • Signal
  • (no type) an anonymous trigger


For a Signal Trigger, initially shows the parameters required for firing by the Signal specification. For example a "Login" signal might include username and password parameters - and each triggered invocation can use different parameters.

Each time the simulation fires the trigger, the system will prompt you for values. You can also edit the values directly in the list when the trigger is set to not signalled.

Parameters are very useful for testing the conditional logic in your simulation and to simulate a variety of inputs and data coming in from outside the simulation.

Trigger Parameters


For a:

  • Signal Trigger, identifies the Signal specification
  • For anonymous Triggers has no value


The simulation time at which the trigger was signalled. Note that this is an absolute (real world) time, and not a relative simulation event time.

Waiting Triggers

Lists the Triggers available for selection from the current state(s), including those where more than one trigger is possible at a single transition. Double-click on a trigger to add and signal it as the next trigger in the current event sequence.

You can show and hide this panel by clicking on the gray arrow just above the panel.

Waiting Triggers

Toolbar Items



See also

Use this drop list to select and work with previously defined trigger sets.

Before running a simulation, select a previously-defined trigger set to use for the next simulation run. You elect to not use a trigger set by selecting the <no event set> option.

Trigger Sets and Auto-Firing

Click to create and delete trigger sets:

  • Save Set - Save the current trigger list as a new trigger set; the system prompts you for a name for the new set
  • Save Set As - Create a copy of the current set under a new set name
  • Delete Selected Set - Delete the current trigger set
  • Delete All Sets for Diagram - Delete all saved trigger sets for the current diagram

Move the selected trigger one line down in the firing sequence of triggers.

This option is not available if there are no signaled triggers below the selected line.

Move the selected trigger entry one line up in the firing sequence of triggers.

This option is not available if there are no signaled triggers above the selected line.

Click to fire the selected trigger. You can also fire the trigger by double-clicking on it.

Click to toggle auto-firing on and off.

Auto-firing will fire the un-signalled triggers in your trigger set sequentially. If your set matches a valid execution path, then the simulation will run automatically. Out of sequence or unused triggers will be 'lost'.

A breakpoint pauses the auto-firing and you will need to click on the next trigger to resume auto-firing the simulation.

Trigger Sets and Auto-Firing

Delete the selected trigger(s) from the list.

Context Menu Options



See also

Signal Selected

Signal, or fire, the selected not signalled trigger.

Remove Selected

Remove a not signalled trigger from the sequence.

Re-Signal Selected

Fire a used or signalled trigger again.

Set All to Unsignalled

Set all used or signalled triggers to not signalled.

Clear Trigger List

Clear all triggers from the window, regardless of their status.

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