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Set Auto Naming and Auto Counters

When you create a new element in your model, you have different options for naming the element depending on how you are creating it. If you create the element:

  • On a diagram, the system applies a default naming convention of the element type plus the increment of the number of elements of that type in the same Package - for example, Actor4; you can change this to any other name by editing the 'Name' field on the element's 'Properties' dialog
  • Within the Project Browser, the system prompts you to type the element name into the 'New Element' dialog

You can also set up your own, automatic, naming and numbering convention for elements of the same type, so that:

  • On a diagram, it is your naming/numbering convention that is automatically applied to the new element (which you can still change if you need to, as before)
  • Within the Project Browser, the 'New Element' dialog Auto button applies the naming convention to your new element

If you have existing elements in a Package, and you want to apply the new naming convention to them, you can make this change very easily to all elements of the same type in the Package at once.

You define a naming convention for the element type as a model setting. At the same time, you can also optionally define a naming/numbering convention for the 'Alias' field for elements of that type.



Configure > Reference Data > Settings > Auto Names and Counters

Set up auto naming for an element type



See also


Click on the drop-down arrow and select the element type to which to apply auto naming/auto numbering.

Name Prefix

Type a prefix for the new names (optional).

Name Counter

Type the counter value; use as many 0's as required to pad the number.

Name Suffix

Type a suffix for the new names (optional).

Name Apply on creation

Select the checkbox to apply auto naming to each new element of the specified type, on creation.

If you do not select the checkbox (but click on Save), the autonaming details for the specified element type remain defined in the dialog, but are not applied to new elements of that type. The default element naming convention takes effect (<element type><n>).

Alias Prefix

Type a prefix for the new Aliases (optional).

Alias Counter

Type the counter value; use as many 0's as required to pad the number.

Alias Suffix

Type a suffix for the new Aliases (optional).

Alias Apply on creation

Select the checkbox to apply Alias auto naming to each new element of the specified type, on creation.

If you do not select the checkbox (but click on the Save button), the Alias autonaming details for the specified element type remain defined in the dialog, but are not applied to new elements of that type. The default element naming convention takes effect (<element type><n>).


Click on this button to preserve the values you have entered.

New elements of this type now have an automatically-generated name and/or Alias with an incrementing counter value.

  • If the user creates an element on a diagram, such as from the Diagram Toolbox or Quick Linker, the element is automatically assigned the defined name and/or Alias
  • If the user creates an element outside a diagram (such as in the Project Browser) using the 'New Element' dialog, they can click on the Auto button next to the 'Name' and/or 'Alias' field on the appropriate dialog to apply the auto-generated text
  • If the user already has some text in the 'Name' or 'Alias' field, it is over-written by the auto-counter text

If an Alias is active, to view the Alias in a diagram requires that the option 'Use Alias if Available' is selected in 'Diagram Properties'.

Add Elements Directly To Packages Configure Diagram Display


  • Automatic numbering - whether system default or user-defined - does not increment across Package levels; if you have an element called Actor1 in Package A, and you create an Actor element in a child Package of Package A, that Actor will also be Actor1

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