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Elements Used in Toolboxes
When you are creating Toolbox pages for your MDG Technology, you can incorporate both standard UML elements and new elements that you have created by extending the UML elements. You define the elements you want to use in the Toolbox Profile. The table lists the names you use to identify either:
- The standard elements to include in the Toolbox page or
- The standard elements you are extending to define new elements to include in the Toolbox page
Each name you list in the Toolbox Page Stereotype elements is preceded by the namespace UML::. The text in parentheses indicates the label name displayed in the default Toolbox pages, where this differs in any way from the UML:: statement text.
Element names for Toolbox Page definitions
- Action
- ActionPin
- Activity
- ActivityFinal (Final)
- ActivityInitial (Initial)
- ActivityParameter
- ActivityPartition (Partition)
- ActivityRegion (Region)
- Actor
- Artifact
- AssociationElement (Association)
- Boundary (for Use Cases)
- CentralBufferNode (Central Buffer Node)
- Change
- Choice
- Class
- Collaboration
- CollaborationOccurrence (Collaboration Use)
- Comment (Note)
- Component
- Constraint
- Datastore
- Decision
- DeploymentSpecification (Deployment Specification)
- Device
- DiagramLegend (Diagram Legend)
- DiagramNotes (Diagram Notes)
- DocumentArtifact (Document Artifact or Document)
- Entity (Information)
- EntityObject (Entity)
- EntryPoint (Entry)
- Enumeration
- ExceptionHandler (Exception)
- ExecutionEnvironment (Execution Environment)
- ExpansionRegion
- ExitPoint (Exit)
- Feature
- FinalState (Final)
- FlowFinalNode (Flow Final)
- ForkJoinH (Fork/Join - Horizontal)
- ForkJoinV (Fork/Join - Vertical)
- Gate (Diagram Gate)
- GUIElement (UI Control)
- HistoryState (History)
- Hyperlink
- InformationItem (Information Item)
- InitialState (Initial)
- Interaction
- InteractionFragment (Fragment)
- InteractionState (State/Continuation)
- Interface
- InterruptibleActivityRegion
- Issue
- Junction
- Lifeline
- MergeNode (Merge)
- MessageEndPoint (Endpoint or Message Endpoint)
- MessageLabel (Message Label)
- Metaclass
- Node
- Object
- ObjectBoundary (Boundary)
- ObjectControl (Control)
- ObjectEntity (Entity)
- Package
- PackagingComponent
- Part
- Port
- Primitive
- PrimitiveType
- Process
- Profile
- ProvidedInterface (Expose Interface)
- ReceiveEvent (Receive)
- Requirement
- RobustBoundary (Boundary)
- RobustControl (Control)
- RobustEntity (Entity)
- Screen
- SendEvent (Send)
- SequenceBoundary (Boundary)
- SequenceControl (Control)
- SequenceEntity (Entity)
- Signal
- State
- StateMachine (StateMachine)
- StateTimeLine (State Lifeline)
- Stereotype
- StructuredActivity (Structured Activity)
- SynchState (Synch)
- Table
- Terminate
- TestCase (Test Case)
- Text
- UseCase (Use Case)
- UMLBoundary (Boundary)
- ValueTimeLine (Value Lifeline)
- You can also identify standard or extended UML connectors to add to the Toolbox Page definition
- When the element items are deployed in an MDG Toolbox page, you can also synchronize the Tagged Values and Constraints of all elements created from them