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Hyperlink Target Objects

Some of the hyperlink facilities in Enterprise Architect are filtered to create a link between two specific types of object. Other facilities, however, give you a choice of types of target object with minor variations in the information you provide to identify the target. The widest variety of target types is available from the:

  • Element 'Hyperlink Details' dialog displayed when you create a Hyperlink element on a diagram, and
  • In-text 'Hyperlink Details' dialog displayed when you create a hyperlink in the element Notes, either from the Notes Toolbar or in the Specification Manager

The in-text 'Hyperlink Details' dialog does not prompt for the link text, so you either highlight a word or phrase in the text to act as the link text before you create the hyperlink, or you allow the name or path of the linked object to become the link text.

Most hyperlinks can only be actioned within the diagram or element in which they are created, but links to diagram images and Image Manager images are also actioned within a generated report and actually show the linked image.

Identify Target Objects

This table provides instructions for specifying the target object of a hyperlink, for each of the available types of object, using either of the two 'Hyperlink Details' dialogs.

Link to


See also

An attribute

In the 'Type' field, click on the drop-down arrow and click on 'Attribute'. The 'Set Attribute' browser displays, in which you locate and click on the required attribute.

Click on the OK button to return to the 'Hyperlink Details' dialog, and again to create the hyperlink.

If you activate the link, the attribute is highlighted in the Project Browser.


A source path

In the 'Type' field click on the drop-down arrow and click on 'Browse for File'. A file browser opens, from which you select the source directory containing a number of files that the user might want to open.

Click on the OK button to return to the 'Hyperlink Details' dialog, and again to create the hyperlink.

If a user activates the link, a 'Locate File' dialog displays at the specified source directory, and the user can select any of the files in that directory to open within Enterprise Architect or a registered external application.

An element image

In the 'Type' field, click on the drop-down arrow and click on 'Element Image'. The 'Select an Element' browser displays, in which you locate and click on the required image-stereotyped Artifact element.

Click on the OK button to return to the 'Hyperlink Details' dialog, and again to create the hyperlink.

If you activate the link, the element 'Properties' dialog opens. In a generated report, the element image displays instead of the link.

A diagram

In the 'Type' field, click on the drop-down arrow and click on 'Diagram'. The 'Select Classifier' browser displays, in which you locate and click on the required diagram. You can search for the diagram by name in a specific namespace in the model, or across the whole model.

Click on the OK button to return to the 'Hyperlink Details' dialog, and again to create the hyperlink.

If you activate the link, the diagram opens. In a generated report, an in-text link acts as a simple reference to the diagram.

A diagram image

In the 'Type' field, click on the drop-down arrow and click on 'Diagram Image'. The 'Select Classifier' browser displays, in which you locate and click on the required diagram. You can search for the diagram by name in a specific namespace in the model, or across the whole model.

Click on the OK button to return to the 'Hyperlink Details' dialog, and again to create the hyperlink.

If you activate the link, the diagram opens. In a generated report, an image of the diagram displays instead of the link.

An Enterprise Architect command

In the 'Type' field, click on the drop-down arrow and click on 'EA Command'. In the unlabelled 'Address' field, click on the drop-down arrow and select the required command from the list. If the command is not part of the default set, click on the drop-down arrow in the second field and select the technology that provides the command. For some commands you might have to provide further parameters, in which case the Browse. button displays; click on this button and complete the resulting dialog.

Click on the OK button to create the hyperlink.

If you activate the link, the system actions the command and displays the resulting screen, dialog or message.

An element

In the 'Type' field, click on the drop-down arrow and click on 'Element'. The 'Select Element' browser displays, in which you locate and click on the required element.

Click on the OK button to return to the 'Hyperlink Details' dialog, and again to create the hyperlink.

If you activate the link on a diagram, the element is highlighted in the Project Browser.

If you activate an in-text hyperlink, the system will act on the element according to its type, with the same result as if you double-click on the element in the Project Browser. For example, if you click on the hyperlink to a Document Artifact element, the document, specification or matrix that the Artifact represents opens; if you click on a hyperlink to a Chart element, its 'Properties' dialog opens at the chart 'Source' page.

A file

'File' is the default setting for the 'Type' field.

In the 'Address' field, type or paste the file path and file name to access, or click on the Browse. button to browse for the file. (If you click on the 'Type' drop-down arrow and select 'File', the browser displays automatically.)

Click on the OK button to create the hyperlink.

If you click on a link created through the in-text 'Hyperlink Details' dialog, the file opens in an editor. In the element 'Hyperlink Details' dialog you can specify whether the file will be opened for editing or just for viewing.

Compare Editors

A Help topic

In the 'Type' field, click on the drop-down arrow and click on 'Help'. In the 'Address' field, type or copy the .htm file name of the Enterprise Architect Help topic to link to; for example, add_a_legend.htm. You can get this address by displaying the Help topic and copying the contents of the address field at the top of the screen.

Click on the OK button to create the hyperlink.

If you activate the link, the Help topic opens from the Sparx Systems website.

An Image Manager Image

In the 'Type' field, click on the drop-down arrow and click on 'Image Manager'. The 'Image Manager' dialog displays, in which you locate and click on the required image name.

Click on the OK button to return to the 'Hyperlink Details' dialog, and again to create the hyperlink.

If you activate the link, the View Image window displays, showing the selected image. In a generated report, the image is also displayed instead of the link.

Using the Image Manager

A Learning Center topic

In the 'Type' field, click on the drop-down arrow and click on 'Learning Center'. The path of the default Learning Center topic (Use the Learning Center) displays in the 'Address' field. Click on the 'arrow-head' symbols in the path to display the contents of each child section and browse to the topic you want to link to.

Click on the OK button to create the hyperlink.

If you activate the link, the Learning Center view opens, displaying the topic.

Learning Center

A Relationship Matrix profile

In the 'Type' field, click on the drop-down arrow and click on 'Matrix'. The 'Select a Matrix Profile' dialog displays; click on the drop-down arrow and on the required profile name.

Click on the OK button to return to the 'Hyperlink Details' dialog, and again to create the hyperlink.

If you activate the link, the Relationship Matrix displays with all fields set according to the selected profile.

Relationship Matrix

An Operation

In the 'Type' field, click on the drop-down arrow and click on 'Operation'. The 'Set Operation' browser displays, in which you locate and click on the required operation.

Click on the OK button to return to the 'Hyperlink Details' dialog, and again to create the hyperlink.

If you activate the link, the operation is highlighted in the Project Browser.


A Package

In the 'Type' field, click on the drop-down arrow and click on 'Package'. The 'Find Package' browser displays, in which you locate and click on the required Package.

Click on the OK button to return to the 'Hyperlink Details' dialog, and again to create the hyperlink.

If you activate the link, the Package is highlighted in the Project Browser.

A Model Search

In the 'Type' field, click on the drop-down arrow and click on 'Search'. The 'Select a Search' dialog displays, in which you specify the search term, the search category that contains the search, and the name of the search itself.

Click on the OK button to return to the 'Hyperlink Details' dialog, and again to create the hyperlink.

If you activate the link, the Find in Project view displays with the results of the executed search.

Model Search

A Simulation

In the 'Type' field, click on the drop-down arrow and click on 'SimRun'.

Click on the OK button to create the hyperlink.

If you activate the link, a suite of Simulation windows display, and a simulation is executed on the current diagram.

Dynamic Model Simulation

A Team Library Posting

In the 'Type' field, click on the drop-down arrow and click on 'Team Document'. The 'Select a Topic to Link' browser displays, in which you locate and click on the required review document.

Click on the OK button to return to the 'Hyperlink Details' dialog, and again to create the hyperlink.

If you activate the link, the Team Document view displays, showing the Linked Document. The Team Library window also displays, showing where the document came from and providing the opportunity to select and display related documents.

Team Library

A web site

In the 'Type' field, click on the drop-down arrow and click on 'Web Site'. In the 'Address' field, type or paste the web address of the site.

Click on the OK button to create the hyperlink.

If you activate the link, the selected web page displays in a separate window.


  • To activate a Hyperlink element, double-click on it; to activate an in-text link, press Ctrl as you click on it
  • When creating a hyperlink, for most target objects the system automatically opens a browser to populate the 'Address' field; when you edit the hyperlink, use the Browse. icon at the end of the field to display the browser and change the target object

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