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Database Developers

Enterprise Architect supports a range of features for the development of databases, including modeling database structures, importing database structures from an existing database and generating DDL for rapidly creating databases from a model.

Database Development Tasks



See also

Create Logical Data Models

With Enterprise Architect you can build database diagrams using the built-in UML Data Modeling Profile.

This supports the definition of Primary and Foreign keys, cardinality, validation, triggers, constraints and indexes.

Logical Data Model

Generate Schema

By using Enterprise Architect's DDL generation function you can create a DDL script to create the database table structure from the model.

Enterprise Architect currently supports:

  • DB2
  • Firebird
  • MS Access
  • MySQL
  • MS SQL Server
  • Oracle
  • PostgreSQL
  • Informix (#)
  • Ingres (#)
  • InterBase (#)
  • Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere (#)
  • Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (#)

(#) - no further development will be undertaken on these DBMSs, due to a general lack of interest for these products from the Enterprise Architect user base. This will allow Sparx Systems to concentrate its efforts on the other areas of Database modeling.

Data Modeling Diagram

Reverse Engineer Database

Using an ODBC data connection you can import a database structure from an existing database to create a model of the database.

By generating the model directly from the database you can quickly document your work and create a diagrammatic account of a complex database through the graphical benefits of UML.

Reverse Engineering

Example Data Model Diagram

An example of a Data Modeling diagram in Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.

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