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The recording produces a number of assets, the recording history being the main one. Recording also identifies a set of source code files. This set can be used to produce Class and Test Domain diagrams, but can also be used to synchronize your model.

A synchronized model provides quick and accurate navigation between diagram elements and the Class model.



Execute > Analyze > Recorder > Open Recorder > Toolbar Synchronize Code icon button

Context Menu

Right-click on the Record & Analyze window | Synchronize Model with Source Code

Synchronize Model

Synchronize Model dialog




Click on the Select button and select the target Package into which to reverse-engineer the code files.


Lists the files identified during one or more recording(s). The appropriate action is listed next to each file.

Select All

Click on this button to select the checkbox against every file in the 'Files' list.

Select None

Click on this button to clear the checkbox against every file in the 'Files' list.


Click on this button to start the operation. The progress of the synchronization will be displayed.


Click on this button to abort synchronization and close the dialog.