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Legend Key

A Legend element on a diagram provides a key to the element and connector appearance conventions used on that diagram. Each element or connector convention is separately defined within the Legend element, using the 'Legend' dialog and the element and connector tabs. If you want to present the Legend items in a specific sequence, you can adjust the order in which the items are listed on the element.

You can create more than one Legend on a diagram, to represent particular combinations of conditions.


The 'Properties' dialog for a legend element can be displayed using any of the methods outlined here.

A diagram legend is defined using the Legend dialog.


Design > Element > Editors > Element > Properties Dialog

Design > Element > Editors > Element > Properties > Legend

Context Menu

Right-click on Legend element | Properties


Double-click on the Legend element

Add a Legend to a diagram



See also


This field defaults to the name 'Legend'; overtype or edit the name if necessary. If you are using the 'Apply auto color' facility, you might use the Legend title to state which object property you are filtering for.

Apply auto color

Select this checkbox if you intend to apply an appearance convention automatically, according to a property of the objects as identified in the 'Filter' field.


Click on the Browse. button and, firstly, select whether the convention is to apply to an element (or connector) property or to a Tagged Value.

For an element or connector, a list of properties displays from which you select the appropriate type.

For a Tagged Value, select whether to use a customized tag or select a standard one. In either case, the 'Select Tagged Value' dialog displays. This dialog has a drop-down field from which you select the tag to apply the appearance convention to. The drop-down list is populated according to the options you select:

  • Global Tagged Values - populates the drop-down list with all global tags in the project; you can therefore select a tag that is applicable to a large number of elements
  • Tagged Values from the selected Element - click on the Select Element button and locate and select the required element; this populates the drop-down list with the Tagged Values from that element, so you can select from a specific set of tags

Note that the tag does not have to exist already; you can type in the name of a new tag if necessary.

Click on the OK button to apply your selection.

Applies to

Click on the drop-down arrow and select the type of element or connector to apply the filter and, hence, appearance convention to. If you want to apply the convention to all types of element or connector, select <All>.

Use numeric evaluation

Select this checkbox if automatic application of the convention has to evaluate the numeric value of the property. For example, if a color is to be applied to elements with a Phase of 3.0, the value can be simply matched; no evaluation is necessary. If a color is to be applied to elements with a Phase value of less than 4, the Phase values have to be evaluated to see if they are less than 4 (and not equal to 4).

The 'Apply auto color' checkbox must be selected for this checkbox to take effect.


Type the actual value of the tag or property that must be satisfied for the appearance convention to be applied. You can use any of these operators with the value:

  • .. (inclusive range); for example, 3..6 colors objects with the property having a value of 3, 4, 5 or 6
  • < (less than); for example, <4 colors objects with the property having a value of 1, 2 or 3
  • > (greater than); for example, >4 colors objects with the property having a value of 5 or greater
  • = (equal to); for example, =5 colors objects with the property having a value of 5 and only 5
  • n (single number on its own, same as equal to)
  • n:y:x:z (matches on any number equal to one of the values); for example, 2:4:6:8 colors objects with the property having a value of 2, 4, 6 or 8

The value that you enter becomes the name of the convention item in the Legend, unless overridden by the 'Display' value.


Whilst the Legend will operate on the property value you have specified, you might prefer a different text string to actually display on the Legend element to provide a clearer indication of what is being indicated. In this case, type in the text string to show on the Legend element.

For example, the Legend will auto-color elements on the basis of high, medium or low priority, but you might want to put this into the context of the diagram and use text such as 'Daily Reporting', 'Weekly Reporting' and 'Monthly Reporting'.

Fill Color

Click on the down arrow and select the standard color used as the fill or background color of the elements that match the selection criteria.

If you have manually applied a non-standard color on the diagram, it should be available from the bottom of the pallet. If not, click on the More Colors button and either select from the larger pallet or define it as a custom color.

Create Custom Colors

Apply Fill

(Defaults to selected; disabled if 'Apply auto color' is not selected.)

Deselect the checkbox if you do not want the fill color to be automatically applied (that is, you only want the line color and/or line width automatically applied). This setting applies to the Legend as a whole, not just to a key on the Legend.

Line Color

Click on the down arrow and select the standard color used for the connector line or element border.

If you have manually applied a non-standard color on the diagram, it should be available from the bottom of the pallet. If not, click on the More Colors button and either select from the larger pallet or define it as a custom color.

Create Custom Colors

Apply Line

(Defaults to selected; disabled if 'Apply auto color' is not selected.)

Deselect the checkbox if you do not want the line color to be automatically applied (that is, you only want the fill color and/or line width automatically applied). This setting applies to the Legend as a whole, not just to a key on the Legend.

Line Width


  • Overtype the line width value with a different value (between 1 for thinnest and 5 for thickest), or
  • Click on the 'spinner' arrows to increase or decrease the thickness

Apply width

(Defaults to selected; disabled if 'Apply auto color' is not selected.)

Deselect the checkbox if you do not want the line width to be automatically applied (that is, you only want the fill color and/or line color automatically applied). This setting applies to the Legend as a whole, not just to a key on the Legend.


Click on this button to clear the fields in preparation for defining a new appearance convention in the Legend. Take into account the points concerning multiple conventions and multiple Legend elements.

Create Legends


Click on this button to save any changes you have made to an appearance convention.


Click on this button to delete the appearance convention you have selected in the current list.

Value | Display Value

Shows the appearance conventions defined for objects in the diagram.

Hand (Up)

If more than one definition is listed, click on this button to move the selected item closer to the start of the list.

Hand (Down)

If more than one definition is listed, click on this button to move the selected item closer to the end of the list.

Style Options

Click on this button to define or edit the appearance of the Legend element itself.

Legend Properties


Click on this button to save any current changes and close the dialog.


Click on this button to abort any unsaved changes you have made, and close the dialog.


  • When you close the dialog, the Legend element is displayed showing all the appearance conventions defined; element conventions are listed first with connector conventions underneath, separated by a line across the Legend element