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Example - Package Published as Joomla! Article

This example shows the Package 'Modeling in Color' published as a Joomla! Article.

This is the expanded Package as it appears in the Enterprise Architect Browser window:

This is the Package as it appears as a Joomla! Article on the Joomla! site:

An example of content in the Project Browser  reported to Joomla using Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.


  • When a Package is published as a Joomla! Article, Enterprise Architect will:
         -  Create a Joomla! Category called 'EA Article Category', and publish all the Articles under this
         -  Create a Joomla! Menu called 'EA Project Browser' and add menu items for each Article
  • If the 'EA Project Browser' menu already exists when you publish a Package, then Enterprise Architect will reuse this menu and will update it with new menu items

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