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Selectable, Dockable and Printable Options

The 'Selectable', 'Dockable' and 'Printable' options on the element context menu control several aspects of an element's behavior on a diagram.

The 'Behavior' option also provides access to the element Info view facility.


Context menu

On a diagram, right-click on an element  and select the 'Behavior' option.

Behavior Options



See also


Select or deselect this option to toggle whether the element is selectable or not:

  • If an element is selectable, you can move it around the diagram and perform right-click context menu operations
  • If an element is unselectable, you cannot move it around the diagram and the only right-click operation available is to make the element selectable

This option has no effect on double-click operations on the element, such as displaying child diagrams or 'Properties' dialogs.

An element on a locked diagram is also unselectable - if you click on it, the element outline displays in red.

In a diagram, you can filter the display to show selectable or non-selectable elements only.

Diagram Filters


Select this option to align and join two elements either vertically or horizontally, on the current diagram only.

Both elements must have the 'Dockable' option selected, and must have the joining edges parallel.

As the distance between the elements narrows, the moving element snaps to the edge of the other element.

For Activity Partitions, the option is selected by default.

Deselecting the 'Dockable' option does not separate the elements; if necessary, you can simply move the elements apart again.



Defaults to selected, so that the element is depicted in any diagrams in reports generated on its parent Package.

If you click on the option to deselect it, the element and its connectors will not be visible in any diagrams in reports. You can, however, deselect a report option for an instance of a report to force the display of non-printable elements.

Deselecting this option also hides the element and its connectors in the 'Print Diagrams', 'Print to PDF' and 'Save Diagram as Image' operations.

Non-printable Elements Document Options File Management Diagram Options in the Browser Window Save Diagram Image to File

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