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Preferences Panel

The 'Preferences' panel provides facilities for performing code analysis and accessing tools such as the Debugger, Profiler, Execution Recorder and the Testpoints Window. The panel also provides facilities for working with language grammars and for managing code templates and defining the way source code is imported into and generated from your model.

Available Facilities



See also


Click the drop-down arrow to access a menu of Analyzer tools.

  • Edit Analyzer Scripts - display the Execution Analyzer window, where you can create and manage scripts that define the build, run, test, deploy and simulate functions for the current Package
  • Code Analyzer - displays the Find In Files window with a preloaded search to locate code files to load into the code editor
  • Edit Active Script - display the Execution Analyzer window to edit the currently-active Analyzer script
  • Show Testpoints Window - display the Analyzer Test Points window, to configure, execute and work with dynamic test suits and test cases
  • Find Test Suites and Test Sets - search the model for Test Suites and Test Sets
  • Open Debugger - display the Analyzer Debug window to facilitate debugging and testing of the current application
  • Open Profiler - display the Analyzer Profiler window, from which you can perform application performance profiling and execution inspection of the current application
  • Open Recorder - display the Analyzer Recording window, from which you can set recording points, record program execution and create diagrams based on recordings
  • Open Object Workbench - open a simple Object Testing window, from which you can make ad hoc calls on Object methods; available for Java and .NET objects
Managing Analyzer Scripts The Testpoints Window Object Workbench Debugging Profiling The Recording History Build Scripts


Display the Grammar Editor window, an advanced facility that allows you to view, add, edit and manage language grammars, used for importing source code.

Editing Grammars


Click on the drop-down arrow to display a list of options for managing templates, which determine the way source code is imported into and generated from your model.

  • Edit Code Templates - display the Code Template Editor window, where you can review and edit the templates used for generating source code from your model
  • Set  Package as Namespace Root - set the selected Package as the Namespace root, for code generation
  • Suppress Namespace - ignore the current subordinate Package when generating Namespaces and showing Package paths
  • Configure Local Paths - display the 'Local Paths' dialog, where you can set up and manage a list of Local Path definitions, used for path substitutions in collaborative environments
  • Configure Code Engineering Datatypes - manage the list of Datatypes that are used in Code Engineering
  • Define Preprocessor Macros - manage a list of preprocessor macros that will be used when C and C++ code is imported into the model
  • Reset Source Language - display the 'Manage Code Generation' dialog to change the source language and other generation options for all Classes in the selected Package
  • Set Live Code Generation - update your source code instantly as you make changes to your model
Local Paths Dialog Namespaces Language Macros Data Types The Code Template Editor Reset Options

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