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Breakpoint Properties

Breakpoints have a number of additional properties that determine what occurs when executing the line of code that the breakpoint applies to.

These properties define:

  • The action to be performed
  • The line of code that the breakpoint applies to
  • Constraints that determine whether or not the action is performed when the breakpoint is hit
  • Trace information to be output when the breakpoint is hit

There is more to breakpoints in Enterprise Architect


There are several ways to display the 'Breakpoint Properties' dialog:

Code Editor

  • Right-click on a breakpoint marker | Properties or
  • Ctrl+Click on breakpoint marker or
  • Right-click on code that has a breakpoint marker | Breakpoint | Properties

Breakpoints & Markers window

  • Right-click on breakpoint | Properties




See also


The behavior when the breakpoint is hit.

Marker Types


The line of source code that this breakpoint applies to.

Stack Height

For Stack Capture markers, the number of caller frames to record. To record the entire Stack, set the value to 0.


Defines the condition under which the breakpoint action will be taken. For normal breakpoints this would be the condition that halts execution. In this example, for a normal breakpoint, execution would stop at this line when the condition evaluates to True. Constraints are evaluated each time the line of code is executed.

     (this.m_FirstName="Joe") AND (this.m_LastName="Smith")

Testpoint Constraints

Trace statement

A message output to the Debug window when the breakpoint is hit. Variables currently in scope can be included in a trace statement output by prefixing the variable name with a $ token for string variables, or an @ token for primitive types such as int or long. For example:

     Account $pAccount->m_sName has a balance of @pAccount->m_fBalance

Trace Statements Run the Debugger